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Mucormycosis:  Black Fungus Disease Post Covid-19 Alert

Mucormycosis: Black Fungus Disease Post Covid-19 Alert

An Increased surge of Mucormycosis disease also known as ‘Black Fungus’ has been found in patients with COVID-19. The disease starts from the nose and sinus, then quickly spreads to the eyes and the brain. On an average, 50 percent of patients may not even survive despite being provided with the best treatment possible, if the fungus spreads to the brain and then there is hardly any chance for the patient to survive.

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Expert’s take on 7 things you need to know about ‘Black fungus’

Expert’s take on 7 things you need to know about ‘Black fungus’

Even as Covid cases decline marginally in the country, a serious fungal infection, known as mucormycosis, has started affecting several people. Known commonly as ‘black fungus’, the disease often manifests in the skin and also affects the lungs and the brain. With rising cases of mucormycosis across States, several questions and misconceptions are floating regarding the disease.

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Ovarian Cancer : Early Signs, Detection and Treatment

Ovarian Cancer : Early Signs, Detection and Treatment

Cancers that begin in the cells of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum are commonly referred to as “ovarian cancer.” The cancers are closely related and are treated similarly. These cancers start when healthy cells in these areas begin to change and develop out of control, forming a tumour. Tumors may be cancerous or noncancerous

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Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney function. Our kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, which are then excreted in our urine. When chronic kidney disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes can build up in your body.

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Paediatric Liver Diseases

Paediatric Liver Diseases

The liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It fills the upper right side of the abdomen inside the rib cage. The liver has many important functions, including filtering harmful substances from the blood so they can be passed from the body in stools and urine,...

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కొవిడ్‌కు ఈ పరీక్షలే ముఖ్యం!

కొవిడ్‌ – 19 నిర్థారణ, చికిత్సలకు సంబంధించి కీలకమైన పరీక్షలు బోలెడన్ని! వాటిని ఎవరికి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎందుకు చేస్తారు? మెరుగైన చికిత్సలో ఈ పరీక్షల పాత్ర ఏ మేరకు?

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