Yashoda Hospitals offers advanced shoulder arthroscopy procedures for patients with personalized care and cutting-edge techniques.
Shoulder arthroscopy is a minor operation that is used to diagnose and treat shoulder issues such as rotator cuff tears or shoulder impingement. The procedure requires small incisions that are about the size of a keyhole, and an arthroscope is inserted. It projects images of the shoulder joint on a screen so that the surgeon can restore movements in the shoulder and find out what caused the injury with tiny instruments.
This surgery is recommended for shoulder pain that does not respond to non-surgical treatments. It can help with problems like biceps tendon injuries, bone spurs, frozen shoulders, torn ligaments, osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, shoulder impingement, or instability. Shoulder arthroscopy comes second after knee arthroscopy in terms of the commonest orthopedic operation performed by doctors.
Preparation: Prior to proceeding with shoulder arthroscopy, the surgeon will ask about the medical history and the medications that are taking. It may be necessary to discontinue some drugs for several days ahead of surgery. The surgeons will provide tailored guidance on dietary requirements and protocols to follow. Duplex scan imaging, chest X-rays, blood tests, and electrocardiograms are suggested to know the status before surgery.
During the procedure: A semi-seated or supine position is assumed prior to the surgery, where the patient is shaved and cleansed. The surgeon can pump fluid into the shoulder to create some degree of inflation in the joint cavity. An incision is made above the shoulder through which a camera is introduced in order to display the images on a monitor screen. Several other small cuts and tools are also used during this procedure. At last, after the operation, all these incisions are closed, and stitches or a little dressing may be given to the patient.
After the procedure: In most cases, outpatient shoulder arthroscopies take less than an hour, and this allows one to be able to go back home soon thereafter. The patient must also spend an hour or two in recovery after the surgery while considering that he/she may need painkillers.
Shoulder arthroscopy recovery: Following arthroscopy on the shoulder, recovery can take weeks or even months. There may be swelling and fever for a few weeks; inflammation can be managed by ice and analgesics; placing themselves in an elevated position while asleep may also help one who feels reeling due to injury. Movement rehabilitation and physiotherapy are advised after some time.
Post-procedure care: Post-operative care for shoulder arthroscopy:
Procedure Name | Shoulder Arthroscopy |
Type of Surgery | Minimally invasive or open |
Type of Anesthesia | General anesthesia |
Procedure Duration | 1 hour |
Recovery Duration | Few weeks to a few months |
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For rotator cuff repair and labral tears, minimally invasive surgery called shoulder arthroscopy is performed using a tiny camera, which aids in the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder problems, leading to swifter healing, reduced pain, and rapid recovery in comparison with traditional open surgery.
For treating shoulder problems such as impingement and rotator cuff tears, arthroscopy of the shoulder is a minimally invasive surgery. The procedure usually lasts less than an hour, thereby resulting in a fast recovery whereby many people are able to go back to work or school after a few days.
Healing is an integral part of recovery from shoulder arthroscopy, which mostly involves reducing pain and restoring shoulder function. During the first few days there will be pain in the region that was operated on along with some swelling, hence the need for pain medication as well as a supportive sling for four to five days or maybe even weeks.
If necessary, the surgeon may extend the duration of bed rest as advised by the patient for not less than 6 weeks to facilitate proper healing and recovery of the shoulder.
While surgery may cause discomfort, the hospital anesthesia staff emphasizes the comfort of patients and gives possible options for them. Most often, nerve blocks are used by surgeons to numb the shoulder and arm during surgery; general anesthesia may also be utilized. However, to facilitate pain relief after surgery, healthcare providers may recommend various measures to follow.
Depending on how complicated the surgery is, patients stay in hospitals for different lengths of time after shoulder surgery. Usually stay in hospital for 1 to 2 nights after outpatient procedures, like minor rotator cuff repairs. The complex procedures, for example, those that include transplant material or artificial components, usually have a short hospital stay of 1 to 2 days. In some cases, a more complex procedure may necessitate staying in the hospital for five days, while revision surgeries can take the same length of time, or they could be done on patients who have chronic illnesses and have to be observed very carefully post-operatively.