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Advanced Spine Surgery Treatment in Hyderabad

Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad is one of the best cervical spine surgery hospitals in India offering the best spinal cord surgery, spine treatment, and care for several types of spinal cord and related conditions. Helmed by the best spine surgeons in India, we are today recognized for the expertise & experience in the treatment of complex spinal conditions. We have the top spine surgeons in India and a team of dedicated support staff, all of whom bring a wealth of experience and wide-ranging expertise that has helped us grow into the best spine surgery hospital in India.

Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad also takes immense pride in being the pioneers of bringing advanced technology for the treatments to all the patients. 

Our advanced technologies include:

  • Chemonucleolysis: It is a type of non-surgical treatment for a damaged disc that involves injecting an enzyme into the vertebral disc to dissolve the inner part of the disc or the nucleus pulposus. It uses chymopapain, an enzyme obtained from papaya. This procedure is performed to alleviate back pain caused by the damaged disc, and in most cases eliminates the need to perform invasive surgeries such as a spinal fusion.
  • Percutaneous Discectomy: This is a procedure to decompress the intervertebral discs to relieve pain in patients. An advanced form of this procedure uses plasma technology to remove tissue from the center of the affected disc.
  • Laparoscopic Lumbar Fusions: Patients suffering from degenerative spinal disease may require spinal fusion surgery to stabilize the vertebrae and alleviate severe chronic back pain. 
  • Intradiscal Electro Thermocoagulation (IDET): It is a procedure that allows the controlled delivery of heat to the intervertebral disc via an electrode or coil. Controlled heating is known to contract collagen fibers and destroy the nerves within the disc, thereby diminishing pain.

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    Which is the best hospital for the treatment of spinal diseases?
    Yashoda Hospital is one of the best hospitals for the treatment of spinal diseases. We have an expert team of doctors backed by highly trained technicians as well as state-of-the-art facilities including equipment for laparoscopic surgeries, chemonucleolysis, etc.
    What are the symptoms that indicate one needs spinal surgery?
    Some symptoms that indicate one requires a spinal surgery are loss of bladder or bowel control, excessive lower back pain, excessive weakness or numbness in the lower body, as well as sexual dysfunction among other symptoms.
    When is a lumbar fusion surgery performed?
    Lumbar fusion surgery is performed when the patient experiences excessive pain or stiffness in the spine to fuse together two or more vertebrae so that they heal to become one strong bone. This surgery is usually only performed when the doctor can determine the exact source of pain.
    When is a discectomy procedure performed?
    A discectomy procedure is performed when a disc in the spine compresses or damages the nerve tissue and results in weakness, tingling sensation, or pain either in the back or lower legs. This surgery is performed to remove the damaged disc and thus remove the source of the pain.

    Patient Testimonials For Spine


    Miss Halima Babekir Idris Mohammed
    Miss Halima Babekir Idris Mohammed
    July 21, 2022

    Kyphosis surgery is a posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation in which the surgeon uses metal rods and screws to

    Mr. Akmwale Bamnabas
    Mr. Akmwale Bamnabas
    February 16, 2022

    Spine Surgery is only recommended when the non-surgical treatment options such as medications and physical therapy fail to relieve

    Mr. Farah Ahmed
    Mr. Farah Ahmed
    September 14, 2021

    Craniectomy is generally performed after a traumatic Brain Injury. It’s also used to treat disorders like swollen or bleeding

    Mr. Rubel
    Mr. Rubel
    March 23, 2021

    “In 2020 amidst the Covid19 pandemic, we couldn’t see any hope for treatment when my cousin met with a

    Mrs. Sonia Parvin
    Mrs. Sonia Parvin
    January 29, 2021

    “I have been suffering from back pain for the past few years and was diagnosed with a spine problem

    Miss Halima Babekir Idris Mohammed
    Miss Halima Babekir Idris Mohammed
    July 21, 2022

    Kyphosis surgery is a posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation in which the surgeon uses metal rods and screws to

    Mr. Akmwale Bamnabas
    Mr. Akmwale Bamnabas
    February 16, 2022

    Spine Surgery is only recommended when the non-surgical treatment options such as medications and physical therapy fail to relieve

    Mr. Farah Ahmed
    Mr. Farah Ahmed
    September 14, 2021

    Craniectomy is generally performed after a traumatic Brain Injury. It’s also used to treat disorders like swollen or bleeding

    Mr. Rubel
    Mr. Rubel
    March 23, 2021

    “In 2020 amidst the Covid19 pandemic, we couldn’t see any hope for treatment when my cousin met with a

    Mrs. Sonia Parvin
    Mrs. Sonia Parvin
    January 29, 2021

    “I have been suffering from back pain for the past few years and was diagnosed with a spine problem

    Health Blogs for Spine

    Is Spine Surgery Safe? Exploring Minimally Invasive Techniques and Recovery
    Jan 08, 2025 17:36

    Spine surgery is a source of fear for most people, yet it has undergone significant improvements. These new techniques aim at minimally invasive procedures that will ensure safety and less disruption of the patient. Modern approaches consider smaller incisions, less damage to muscles, and faster recovery compared to open traditional surgery.

    వెన్నునొప్పి: రకాలు, కారణాలు, లక్షణాలు, రోగ నిర్ధారణ & చికిత్సలు
    Dec 11, 2024 15:26

    ప్రస్తుత కాలంలో వెన్నునొప్పి సర్వ సాధారణం అయిపోయింది. వెన్నుపాము (Spinal cord) అనేది నాడీ వ్యవస్థలోని నరాలు, కీళ్ళు, కండరాలు, స్నాయువు, అస్థిపంజరాలతో కూడిన కేంద్ర నాడీమండలానికి చెందిన సంక్లిష్టమైన అంతఃసంధాయక యంత్రాంగం.

    సయాటికా నొప్పి: లక్షణాలు, కారణాలు, సర్జరీ విధానాలు & నివారణ చర్యలు
    Oct 15, 2024 17:40

    ప్రస్తుత సమాజంలో అనారోగ్యకరమైన జీవనశైలి మరియు విపరీతమైన పని ఒత్తిడి కారణంగా చాలా మంది సయాటికా నొప్పితో బాధపడుతున్నారు. ఈ ఆధునిక యుగంలో యుక్త, మధ్యవయస్సు వారిలో సయాటికా అనే పదం వినని వారుండరు. సయాటికా (Sciatica) అనేది నడుము నుంచి కాళ్ల వరకు వ్యాపించే నాడీ నొప్పిగా కూడా చెప్పవచ్చు.

    Spinal Cord Injury
    Jun 11, 2020 12:52

    The spinal cord is an elongated and cylinder-shaped collection of nerves that arise from the end of the brain and extends into the neck and back region. It forms a primary communication channel between the brain and the body. Consult the best Spinal Cord Injury treatment doctors in India at Yashoda Hospitals

    What is Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS)?
    Oct 18, 2019 14:27

    Minimally invasive endoscopic spine surgery is recommended in certain cases of degenerative discs, fractures and herniated disc kyphosis, infection, scoliosis and spinal column tumours.

    వెన్నునొప్పికి అత్యాధునిక మరియు సురక్షితమైన పుల్‌ ఎండోస్కోపిక్‌ శస్త చికిత్సలు
    Jul 23, 2019 17:59

    ఆధునిక సర్జరీల వల్ల వెన్నుకూ, కండరాలతో సహా వెన్ను నిర్మాణానికి జరిగే నష్టాన్ని వీలైనంత కనీన స్థాయికి తగ్గించే విధంగా ‘ఫుల్‌ ఎండోస్కోపిక్‌ స్పైన్ సర్జరీలను రూపొందించారు.

    Herniated disc, its causes, symptoms and treatment – PELD
    Jun 07, 2019 17:41

    Degenerative diseases of the spine or slip disc can be managed in two ways: Conservative therapy and surgical intervention. The choice of treatment largely depends on case-to-case scenario, underlying medical condition and the requirements of the patient

    How to treat women with hunched back & Osteoporosis?
    Sep 28, 2018 17:57

    Yes, osteoporosis is one of the common reasons of hunchback. People with osteoporosis most experience damage of bones in the upper (thoracic) spine. These bones break causing back pain, loss in height and a stooped or hunched posture, called kyphosis.

    Facet Joint Arthropathy – What is it and how is it treated?
    Aug 31, 2018 11:00

    Facet joint arthropathy also known as facet joint arthrosis, facet joint osteoarthritis is the damage to facet joints that hold spinal vertebrae. There are several treatment options such as prescription medicines, nerve radiofrequency ablation, and spinal fusion surgery.

    Low Back Pain – a Constant Pain for the Human Race
    May 18, 2018 17:41

    Back pain is common, 8 out of 10 people suffer back pain at some time of their life. Majority of people have nothing seriously wrong with their body. The Costs-to-Society are huge, hence it’s a problem which has to be acted upon and rectified as early as possible.