“A Perfect Anatomical Repair without Functional Recovery is Useless”
The Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is dedicated to restoring you to your optimum health and functional abilities after any musculoskeletal illness or injury. Physiotherapists work round the clock to deliver the best possible patient care to both our outpatients as well as inpatients. Depending on your needs, treatment techniques may include:
Physiotherapy Treatment in Hyderabad
- Various manual therapy techniques including joint mobilization, soft tissue massage and range-of-motion exercises.
- Customized Bracing/Splinting/prosthetics/orthotics to improve mobility and function.
- Programming to improve mobility, flexibility and muscle strength, while decreasing stress on the joints
- Stretching exercises
- Use of the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis & Treatment for the treatment of low back and neck pain
- Procedures such as Ultrasound and Interferential Current Therapy, TENS, Electrical Stimulation to promote soft tissue healing and relive pain.
- Neuromuscular re-education using electrical stimulation for the treatment of muscle imbalances or atrophy
- The Feldenkrais Method
- Manipulation Stretching, Strengthening.
- Deep heat in combination with moist heat(to relieve acute muscle spasms)
- Postural Correction
- Patient education