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Pediatric Diseases Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad

Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad offers the best services with a team of highly skilled pediatric surgeons, Neonatologists, pediatric intensivists and pediatricians to deliver the most comprehensive care to children. 

The various ailments treated by the doctors in the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad include:

1. Head and Neck

Cleft Palate Repair: The goal of this surgery is to close the opening between the nose and mouth, which is often caused due to birth deformities, and help create a palate that works well for speech.

Cystic hygroma excision: Cystic hygroma is a condition in which a cyst or a group of cysts grow, mostly in the neck, causing extreme discomfort to the child. The cause of this condition is an error in the development of lymph sacs and lymph vessels during pregnancy. The removal of this is extremely crucial in order for the baby to survive. 

Other head and neck related conditions treated at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad include 

dermoid cyst excision, encephalocele excision and repair, endoscopic third ventriculostomy, hemangioma excision, meningocele excision, and many more. 

2. Respiratory tract & Chest (Extra cardiac)

Bronchoscopy for FB: The invasion of a foreign body or FB in children can lead to various serious health conditions. In order to diagnose and manage such foreign bodies, a bronchoscopy is performed. 

CCAM excision: Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) is a tumor-like growth in the lung lesion that appears as a cyst or mass in the chest before birth. A CCAM excision is performed to remove the cyst. 

Pneumonectomy: When the lungs are diseased or have cancer, pneumonectomy – a procedure to remove the defective cells or the entire lung – may be performed. 

Other respiratory tract and chest-related disease treatments done at Yashoda Hospitals include CLE excision, esophagoscopy for FB, esophageal dilatation, intercostal tube drainage, thoracotomy and repair of TEF, thoracotomy and debridement, and lung resections (Lobectomies). 

3. Gastrointestinal Tract

Appendectomy: When the appendix inflates and causes discomfort the condition is called appendicitis. The appendix is then removed in order to treat the condition by performing an appendectomy.

Colostomy: Infection of the abdomen, injury to the colon or rectum, or some type of blockage may lead to discomfort and may need surgical intervention to help correct the deformities. Colostomy is performed to correct such deformities. 

Fundoplication: Gastroesophageal conditions can have a negative impact on the development of a child therefore treating the conditions become of utmost importance. Fundoplication is a treatment procedure that is used to treat the gastroesophageal condition. 

Some other treatment procedures performed and diseases treated at Yashoda Hospitals include intestinal atresia, abdomino-perineal pull-through, choledochal cyst Excision & hepaticojejunostomy, cholecystectomy, congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair, diagnostic laparoscopy, Duhamel’s Pull through (Hirschsprung Disease), and several others. 

4. Genitourinary Tract

Pyeloplasty: This is the surgical procedure that involves the reconstruction of a part of the kidney (renal pelvis) to drain unwanted fluids and decompress the kidney. 

Nephroureterectomy: A surgical procedure in which either the kidney, ureter or a small piece of the bladder are removed when the patients are diagnosed with a mass or tumor. 

Cystolithotomy: This urologic procedure is performed to remove one or more bladder stones. It is generally performed when patients have large or numerous stones in the bladder. 

Other genitourinary tract-related treatments performed include hypospadias repair- urethroplasty, undescended testis -orchiopexy, bladder neck repair, cystoscopy, and more.

Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad offers several other treatments for diseases and conditions related to the limbs, spine and tumors such as ganglion excision, muscle biopsy, skin grafting, SCT excision, MMC excision and repair, all kind of trauma, renal tumors – Wilms’ tumor, adrenal tumors, and many more.

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    What types of surgeries do pediatric surgeons perform?
    Pediatric surgeons trained in performing all the surgeries in children except heart and brain surgeries. They are trained to operate on kids and newborn babies after passing MS in general surgery.
    What surgeries take the longest?
    The duration of the surgeries depends on various factors and it varies depending on the condition of the patient, the surgical team performing it, how well the hospital is equipped and several other factors.
    What are the 5 most common childhood illnesses?
    Ear infections, hand, foot and mouth disease, fifth disease, pinkeye, and flu are a few of the many common childhood illnesses.