There are many different treatments and diagnostic procedures carried out by the department efficiently with a high success rate, which makes Yashoda Hospitals shine as one of the best centers for gastroenterology in India. The center provides treatments such as:
Acid reflux disease can be treated by making certain lifestyle modifications such as eating a couple of hours before lying down, losing weight, wearing loose clothes as well as administering one or more classes of medications depending on the patient’s condition.
Treatment of peptic ulcers is dependent on the cause of ulcers. The doctor usually prescribes a combination of medications depending on the condition.
Hemorrhoids are usually treated by making lifestyle changes such as eating foods rich in fiber, topical treatments as well as other medications. At our center, the best team of doctors ensure that you are guided right so that your condition gets better soon.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition of the large intestine in which abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating, etc is experienced by the patient.
Some of the treatment options include eating foods rich in fiber, drink fluids, getting adequate sleep, as well as administering medications.
Some of the treatment options include eating foods rich in fiber, drink fluids, getting adequate sleep, as well as administering medications.