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Liver Transplant Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad

Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant is a major operation that takes place only in a specialized transplant center. During a Liver Transplantation, the surgeon removes the diseased liver and replaces it with a healthy one. The patient having end-stage liver disease can only be treated by a Liver Transplant. It is of mainly two types: DECEASED Donor Liver Transplant (DDLT), and LIVE Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT).

For most transplants the livers come from donors who have died. This type of Donor is called as DECEASED Donor. Sometimes, a healthy person donates part of his or, her liver for close relatives this is called as LIVING Donor. All donated Livers of Deceased/ Living donors are tested before subjecting to transplant surgery. The testing makes sure that the donor’s liver should work as it should, matches the patient’s blood type, and is of right size, so it has the best chance of working in the body.

Liver Transplantation in Hyderabad

Yashoda Hospitals’ Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases’ evaluation team includes cardiologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Anaesthetist, Dentist, Nutritionist etc. The team has to give medical fitness clearance, on basis of which the transplant is planned. In case of Living Donor Liver Transplant, the donor safety is of utmost importance and hence, the living donor evaluation is more extensive and elaborate. The Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases has a high success rate, which is on par with the best centers in the world.

Advanced Liver Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad

Evaluation before Liver Transplant

If a liver transplant is recommended, the integrated liver care team of Yashoda Institute of Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Diseases, will evaluate the recipient as well as donor thoroughly before performing the transplant. A battery of investigations are done to ensure the fitness of the recipient and the donor. The vital organs- Heart, Lungs, Kidney and all others should be in good shape prior to the transplant.

The team that includes Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Anaesthetist, Dentist, Nutritionist etc. have to give medical fitness clearance, on basis of which the transplant is planned.

In case of Living Donor Liver Transplant, the donor safety is of utmost importance and hence, the living donor evaluation is more extensive and elaborate.

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    Health Blogs for Liver

    This Is Why Liver Cancer Is Not the End of the World
    Nov 12, 2021 17:54

    Did you know that every year approximately 30,000 to 50,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer in India? It also means that there are three to five patients in every one lakh people.

    All You Need To Know About Various Liver Diseases
    Apr 23, 2021 18:34

    The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters blood and fights infections. ”Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. When the liver is inflamed, in due course it ends up in scarring and its function gets deranged.

    Save Your Liver From Viral Hepatitis
    Mar 30, 2021 11:54

    The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters blood and fights infections. ”Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. When the liver is inflamed, in due course it ends up in scarring and its function gets deranged.

    కొత్త ఆశలు కలిగిస్తున్నలైవ్‌ కాలేయ మార్పిడి
    Jan 13, 2020 16:45

    కలుషితమైన నీళ్లు, తిండి వల్ల ఈ తీవ్రమైన హైపటైటిస్‌ ఎ, ఇ వైరస్‌లు శరీరంలోకి చేరుతుంటాయి. దక్షిణభారత దేశంలో కాలేయ మార్పిడి ఆపరేషన్ల నిర్వహణకు సంబంధించి యశోద ఆస్పత్రులు కొత్త ఒరవడిని ప్రవేశపెట్టాయి.

    How to treat Biliary atresia, a rare digestive disease in infants?
    Jul 12, 2019 18:39

    Biliary Artesia is a digestive disease that occurs in infants mostly after 2 to 8 weeks after birth. Surgery helps the baby to lead a normal life. However, roughly 85% of children require liver transplantation before they reach the age of 20 years.

    Liver Transplantation: Current Status and Challenges
    May 17, 2019 16:03

    There is a large discrepancy between the number of patients requiring a liver transplant and the number of transplants being done in our country. With expertise available for both LDLT and DDLT, many of these patients can be offered a definitive treatment for their lethal liver disease.

    లివర్ ట్రాన్స్ ప్లాంటేషన్ సర్జరీల్లో యశోద అగ్రగామి
    Dec 20, 2018 17:06

    శరీరంలో కీలక విధులు నిర్వర్తించే అవయవాలలో కాలేయం మొదటి స్థానంలో నిలుస్తుంది. జీర్ణవ్యవస్థకు అనుబంధంగా ఉన్న ఈ గ్రంధి దాదాపు అయిదు వందల విధులను నిర్వర్తిస్తుంటుంది. మరే అవయవం కాలేయానికి ప్రత్యామ్నాయంకాదు.

    చివరి దశ కాలేయ వ్యాధులు (ఎండ్ స్టేజి లివర్స్ డిసిజేస్స్) తో బాధపడుతున్నవారు కాలేయ మార్పిడి (లివర్ ట్రాన్స్‌ప్లాంటేషన్‌) తో కొత్త జీవితాన్ని పొందవచ్చు.
    Nov 13, 2018 11:03

    కాలేయం శరీరంలో అతి ముఖ్యమైన అవయువం.శరీర జీవక్రియ విధులు మరియు రోగనిరోధక వ్యవస్థకు చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది.కాలేయం యొక్క ముఖ్యమైన పని జీర్ణవ్యవస్థ నుండి వస్తున్న రక్తాన్ని ఫిల్టర్ చేయడం. కాలేయం రక్తం గడ్డకట్టడంలో ముఖ్యపాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది మరియు ఇతర పనులకు ప్రోటీన్లు అందించటంలో కూడా ముఖ్యమైనది.

    How is normothermic liver perfusion giving hope to patients needing liver transplantation?
    Nov 06, 2018 11:49

    Normothermic liver perfusion is ushering in a new era in the way organ preservation is done and transplant is carried out. There is hope that with the help of this new technology, it may be possible to save more lives by transplanting more livers with improved outcomes.

    World Hepatitis Day – Eliminating Hepatitis through Awareness
    Jul 28, 2017 20:10

    World Hepatitis Day 2017 marks the start of the campaign to Eliminate Hepatitis by 2030. What is Hepatitis?  Hepatitis is a condition referring to the inflammation of the liver, caused by either a viral infection, an autoimmune condition or as a side effect of medication. There are five types of Hepatitis, A, B, C, D […]