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Liver Diseases Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad

Various liver diseases that are treated at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, include: 

Vascular Liver Diseases: Vascular liver diseases are disorders of the hepatic vasculature where inflammation or thrombosis occur that lead to the obstruction of the blood flow in the liver. These diseases include: 

  • Portal vein thrombosis
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome
  • Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
  • Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver
  • non-cirrhotic portal hypertension

Wilson’s Disease: Wilson’s disease is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes excess copper to accumulate in the liver, brain and other vital organs of a human. The disease can lead to various other severe health conditions such as liver cirrhosis, liver failure, neurological problems, psychological problems, kidney problems, etc. 

End-Stage Liver Disease: End-stage liver disease is also referred to as chronic liver failure. The condition is often the result of cirrhosis. Patients with an abnormally functioning liver who suffer from other conditions such as ascites, variceal hemorrhage, hepatic encephalopathy, or renal impairment are considered to have end-stage liver disease (ESLD).

Alcoholic Liver Disease: Alcoholic liver disease is the result of years of heavy drinking that leads to scarring and cirrhosis of the liver. The disease does not necessarily develop in all heavy drinkers. However, when developed, can lead to severe complications. 

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is a term used to refer to a group of liver conditions that cause excess fat accumulation in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol.

Liver Cirrhosis: Liver cirrhosis is the last or the end stage of scarring of the liver that is usually caused by many forms of liver diseases and conditions. 

Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammatory liver condition that is commonly caused by a viral infection. The disease is divided into five types – namely hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E, based on the type of virus that has infected the patient.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: It is the most common and primary type of liver cancer that usually occurs in people with chronic liver diseases.

These were a few of the diseases that are treated at Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad. We are one of the most trusted and the best hospitals in Hyderabad when it comes to liver disease cure and liver transplants. Our team of skilled and experienced doctors and the availability of the latest, most advanced technologies is what helps us get the best and successful results.

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    What is the liver transplant surgery?
    A liver transplant surgery is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of a liver that no longer functions the way it must, it could be the result of a chronic disease or liver failure, and is replaced with a healthy liver from a donor.
    What are the conditions for a liver transplant?
    To meet the liver transplantation criteria, the patient must have a liver that no longer functions well and is beyond the stage in which it can be repaired.
    What are the risks associated with liver transplant?
    There are major risk factors that are associated with a liver transplant, they include bleeding, blood clots, infections, rejection of the donated liver, failure of the donated liver, mental confusion or seizures, recurrence of liver disease in the transplanted liver, and more.
    Which is the best hospital in Hyderabad for treating liver diseases?
    Yashoda Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Hyderabad and surrounding states for the treatment of liver diseases. We have the best team of doctors and the most advanced technologies that help us get the best results.

    Health Blogs for Liver

    This Is Why Liver Cancer Is Not the End of the World
    Nov 12, 2021 17:54

    Did you know that every year approximately 30,000 to 50,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer in India? It also means that there are three to five patients in every one lakh people.

    All You Need To Know About Various Liver Diseases
    Apr 23, 2021 18:34

    The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters blood and fights infections. ”Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. When the liver is inflamed, in due course it ends up in scarring and its function gets deranged.

    Save Your Liver From Viral Hepatitis
    Mar 30, 2021 11:54

    The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters blood and fights infections. ”Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. When the liver is inflamed, in due course it ends up in scarring and its function gets deranged.

    కొత్త ఆశలు కలిగిస్తున్నలైవ్‌ కాలేయ మార్పిడి
    Jan 13, 2020 16:45

    కలుషితమైన నీళ్లు, తిండి వల్ల ఈ తీవ్రమైన హైపటైటిస్‌ ఎ, ఇ వైరస్‌లు శరీరంలోకి చేరుతుంటాయి. దక్షిణభారత దేశంలో కాలేయ మార్పిడి ఆపరేషన్ల నిర్వహణకు సంబంధించి యశోద ఆస్పత్రులు కొత్త ఒరవడిని ప్రవేశపెట్టాయి.

    How to treat Biliary atresia, a rare digestive disease in infants?
    Jul 12, 2019 18:39

    Biliary Artesia is a digestive disease that occurs in infants mostly after 2 to 8 weeks after birth. Surgery helps the baby to lead a normal life. However, roughly 85% of children require liver transplantation before they reach the age of 20 years.

    Liver Transplantation: Current Status and Challenges
    May 17, 2019 16:03

    There is a large discrepancy between the number of patients requiring a liver transplant and the number of transplants being done in our country. With expertise available for both LDLT and DDLT, many of these patients can be offered a definitive treatment for their lethal liver disease.

    లివర్ ట్రాన్స్ ప్లాంటేషన్ సర్జరీల్లో యశోద అగ్రగామి
    Dec 20, 2018 17:06

    శరీరంలో కీలక విధులు నిర్వర్తించే అవయవాలలో కాలేయం మొదటి స్థానంలో నిలుస్తుంది. జీర్ణవ్యవస్థకు అనుబంధంగా ఉన్న ఈ గ్రంధి దాదాపు అయిదు వందల విధులను నిర్వర్తిస్తుంటుంది. మరే అవయవం కాలేయానికి ప్రత్యామ్నాయంకాదు.

    చివరి దశ కాలేయ వ్యాధులు (ఎండ్ స్టేజి లివర్స్ డిసిజేస్స్) తో బాధపడుతున్నవారు కాలేయ మార్పిడి (లివర్ ట్రాన్స్‌ప్లాంటేషన్‌) తో కొత్త జీవితాన్ని పొందవచ్చు.
    Nov 13, 2018 11:03

    కాలేయం శరీరంలో అతి ముఖ్యమైన అవయువం.శరీర జీవక్రియ విధులు మరియు రోగనిరోధక వ్యవస్థకు చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది.కాలేయం యొక్క ముఖ్యమైన పని జీర్ణవ్యవస్థ నుండి వస్తున్న రక్తాన్ని ఫిల్టర్ చేయడం. కాలేయం రక్తం గడ్డకట్టడంలో ముఖ్యపాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది మరియు ఇతర పనులకు ప్రోటీన్లు అందించటంలో కూడా ముఖ్యమైనది.

    How is normothermic liver perfusion giving hope to patients needing liver transplantation?
    Nov 06, 2018 11:49

    Normothermic liver perfusion is ushering in a new era in the way organ preservation is done and transplant is carried out. There is hope that with the help of this new technology, it may be possible to save more lives by transplanting more livers with improved outcomes.

    World Hepatitis Day – Eliminating Hepatitis through Awareness
    Jul 28, 2017 20:10

    World Hepatitis Day 2017 marks the start of the campaign to Eliminate Hepatitis by 2030. What is Hepatitis?  Hepatitis is a condition referring to the inflammation of the liver, caused by either a viral infection, an autoimmune condition or as a side effect of medication. There are five types of Hepatitis, A, B, C, D […]