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Advanced Technology ENT Hospital in Hyderabad

  • Atmos Videostroboscope
  • Bien Air Drill System
  • Coblation
  • Cryoablation
  • Karl Zeiss Tivato Microscope
  • Leica Microscope
  • Microdebrider
  • Navigation
  • Skeeter Otologic Drill
  • Storz Rigid Endoscopes
  • Storz Sialendoscope

Outpatient Procedures:

  • DISE (Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy)
  • Ear Microscopy
  • FEES (Functional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing)
  • Flexible Videolaryngoscopy
  • Hearing AIDS
  • Rigid Nasal Endoscopy
  • Videostroboscopy

Hearing Evaluation and Audiology:

  • Pure-Tone Audiometry : Pure-tone audiometry is a widely used hearing test that measures a person’s ability to hear different frequencies of sound.
  • Tympanometry : Tympanometry is a painless hearing test that uses a probe to measure the movement of the eardrum in response to changes in air pressure.
  • Speech Audiometry : Speech audiometry is a hearing test that assesses a person’s ability to hear and comprehend speech at different volumes.
  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) : Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are sounds produced by the inner ear in response to external sounds. OAE testing is a noninvasive procedure that can quickly identify infants with hearing problems and is commonly used in newborn hearing screening programmes.
  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR/BERA) : Auditory brainstem response (ABR) is a hearing test that measures the electrical activity of the auditory nerve and brainstem in response to sound.

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    What device is used in ENT?

    Nasal forceps are used during maxillary sinus and nasal septum surgery. Tongue depressors are used to inspect the mouth and throat by depressing the tongue. And speculums are used to view inside and enlarge the orifices of the nose, throat, and ears. With laryngoscopes, one can see the larynx.

    What are the recent advances in ENT surgery?

    Some of the recent advancements in ENT are neck surgery, management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, microbiome in rhinology, chin augmentation, and round window membrane.

    What is an otoacoustic emission test?

    The otoacoustic emission (OAE) test measures hair cell function in the inner ear by detecting sounds generated in response to stimulation. It’s commonly used for screening infants and special populations.

    What is a DISE drug-induced sleep endoscopy test?

    Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate the upper airway in snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients under conditions that simulate natural sleep.

    What is the difference between cryosurgery and cryoablation?

    Cryosurgery and cryoablation both use extreme cold to treat medical conditions but differ in application. Cryosurgery typically uses liquid nitrogen or argon gas to destroy abnormal tissue, commonly for skin lesions and some cancers. Cryoablation targets and destroys specific tissues, like tumors or arrhythmic heart tissue, using cryoprobes and is used in specialized fields such as cardiology and oncology.