Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with hormone-related diseases. The endocrine system is a network of glands that are responsible for secreting hormones directly into the bloodstream to different tissues in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers formed by the body. These endocrine hormones are secreted within the tissue and enter the bloodstream through capillaries.
The important glands in the endocrine system include – thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, ovaries, testes and pancreas. The hormones secreted by endocrine glands are used by the body to control many functions such as Respiration, Metabolism, Reproduction, Sensory perception, Movement, Sexual development and growth.
At Yashoda hospitals, our endocrine specialists can diagnose and treat highly complex endocrine conditions and disorders. We offer comprehensive medical care and comfort to patients with endocrine disorders.
Endocrine diseases usually occur when endocrine glands produce high levels of hormones or low levels of hormones. Hormone or endocrine diseases may also occur if your body does not respond to hormones in the manner in which it should. The endocrine glands secrete various hormones which also affect mood in men and women. Even though they have the same hormones, the levels of particular hormones are different. Hormone diseases directly affect the glands of the endocrine system so, it is important to understand the conditions related to the endocrine system for the well-being of your health.
The most common endocrine disease is diabetes. Other conditions include obesity, short stature, thyroid, osteoporosis, hypertension, adrenal disorders, heart problems include – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and triglycerides.
When you notice any of the above problems related to hormones, consult an expert Endocrinologist. A doctor who can diagnose and treat endocrine diseases are referred to as Endocrinologist.