Alfuzosin: Frequently Asked Questions Answered

What is Alfuzosin?

It’s a prescription drug generally administered to aid urination in enlarged prostate medical conditions like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in males. It belongs to the category of alpha-blockers. So, it helps to relieve blocked urination caused due to prostate enlargement by relaxing the associated muscles. Because of its blood pressure lowering property, it may cause fainting & headache. It is only available in the form of prolonged-release tablets.

How does Alfuzosin benefit?

Doctors usually prescribe it to patients suffering from painful, troubled and blocked urination due to prostate enlargement. It acts on the muscles involved in urination and helps in bladder emptying by relaxing those muscles. This drug acts explicitly on alpha receptors of the bladder and prostate gland. Its extended-release administration helps in maintaining consistent drug effectiveness for a longer duration. Such formulations also prevent side effects due to high dosage.

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    What are the associated side effects?

    Fainting, headache, dizziness, running nose & constipation are its common side effects. These conditions often subside within days but require medical attention on worsening. The serious side effects include prolonged penile erection and sudden blood pressure dropping. These adverse effects require immediate medical help as they can be life-threatening. Since this drug may cause adverse drug interactions or allergic reactions, one must not hide the ongoing drug therapy or relevant history of allergy before taking it. Allergies may appear as rashes, troubled breathing & swallowing, swelling up of face & limbs, chest pain & voice hoarseness.

    What is Alfuzosin

    Uses of Alfuzosin

    Side effects of Alfuzosin

    Disclaimer: The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Alfuzosin

    The drug may start its action approximately in 4 weeks of intake. This drug is slow in action, so one must continue its intake as per the treatment plan even if no betterment is seen during the early administration period. But stop the regime immediately on the appearance of allergic reactions.

    Ceasing the intake of this alpha-blocker during the treatment of prostate enlargement may cause increased Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms like trouble in urinating, urges for urinating frequently, pain while urinating and dribbling following urination. So continue as per the treatment plan even if the condition is not getting better initially.

    There is no association between this drug’s usage and hair loss.

    There is no scientifically established evidence supporting Alfuzosin usage as the cause behind retrograde ejaculation. However, various studies indicate that it may improve the ejaculatory functions of the users.

    No, it does not play any role in shrinking the prostate in case of pathological enlargement of the prostate gland. However, it is used to promote comfortable urination and lower the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) by relaxing muscles involved in urination.

    It has been scientifically established that long-term usage of Alfuzosin 10 mg (once daily) is safe in patients with Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate unless the patient develops an allergy to this drug or suffers from worsening of symptoms.

    Although both are equally effective for treating bladder concerning issues due to prostate enlargement, studies suggest that tamsulosin usage causes various ejaculatory problems, unlike Alfuzosin. Some studies indicate that Alfuzosin can improve the ejaculatory functions upon its long-term use.

    Take Alfuzosin prolonged-release tablet once daily after meals. Avoid taking this drug on an empty stomach. Moreover, try to take medications every day after the same meal. It's better to follow the concerned doctor or label instructions for the best effects.

    It is advised that one should not take alcohol while on this medication. It is because it may enhance its side effects such as fainting, dizziness and headache.

    It is not recommended to use these two drugs together. It is because it may cause sudden and excessive dropping of blood pressure. Also, it can increase the heart rate abnormally, especially when you get up from a sitting or lying posture.

    No, it's not an anticholinergic. However, this drug is adrenergic and causes urethra relaxation to aid urination & bladder emptying. Any anticholinergic drug cannot cause urethral relaxation.