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      About Day Care Procedures

      For many minor procedures or treatments, patients can avoid overnight hospitalisation. At Yashoda we provide day care services for all kinds of surgeries, chemotherapy, endoscopy, preventive health programs and even certain types of outpatient antibiotic therapy. Our dedicated surgical daycare suite allows patients quick and efficient single point admission, treatment and discharge.

      Daycare or Ambulatory care is a personal health care consultation, treatment or intervention using advanced medical technology or procedures delivered where the patient’s stay at the hospital or clinic, from the time of registration to discharge, occurs on a single calendar day. Many medical investigations and treatments for acute illness and preventive health care can be performed on an ambulatory basis, including minor surgical and medical procedures, most types of dental services, dermatology services, and many types of diagnostic procedures (e.g. blood tests, X-rays, endoscopy and biopsy procedures of superficial organs). Other types of ambulatory care services include emergency visits and rehabilitation visits.

      Why Choose Us

      The Centre offers Day Care Surgery providing high quality surgical care to patients without overnight hospitalization. Yashoda Hospitals has been a pioneer in the field of day care surgeries and has helped increase awareness about single day surgeries. In day care or ambulatory surgery a patient does not stay overnight at a healthcare centre, but gets discharged within a few hours of the procedure. As the patient is treated in an outpatient setting, it is also known as outpatient surgery.

      Dedicated Day Care Facilities

      Fully-equipped operation theatres, latest equipment and trained personnel ensure optimum patient safety and satisfaction. Latest technology, along with excellent post-operative care and effective pain relief enable the patients to recover in just a few hours.

      Skilled Team of Physicians

      Our Daycare is adequately staffed by well trained doctors, nurses, pharmacists and support staff. Daycare has a dedicated Chemo Admixture Unit to ensure minimum delay in getting mixed chemo drugs by the patients.

      Quick Treatment & Fast Recovery

      Doctors are available from all specialities to attend to patients. Patients can go home a few hours after their treatment. Patients can recuperate at their home after getting treatment done during the day. The patient can go home the same day.

      Expert Care and Advice

      Eliminates hospital admission, reduces the total time spent in the hospital and saves cost. Our Day Care centres are designed to help you get back home faster and in the best possible health.


      1. What are the most common daycare surgeries?

      Mostly, daycare surgeries involve a lot of medical departments. It ranges from Pediatrics to elderly people. Some of them include the general surgery department, ENT, Orthopedics, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular department, Neurology and more. The most common procedures that are done in general surgery include thyroid cysts, benign swellings in the neck, submandibular glands, superficial parotidectomy and others.

      If there are small cysts anywhere in the body, they can be removed through daycare surgeries. The daycare surgeries will be involved in any of the aforementioned departments. These kinds of surgeries can be done to people right from the kids to adults.

      2. What are the benefits of daycare surgery over traditional surgery?

      There are several benefits of daycare surgery over traditional surgery.

      • In the case of traditional surgery, the patient has to stay in the hospital for a few days or weeks. Moreover, the patient may get infections for remaining in a room for more than a week. The charges for staying in the hospital also increases in traditional surgeries.
      • Early mobilization i.e., ability to walk around is one of the greater advantages of daycare surgery.
      • The patient may feel less pain in the location of the surgery as it involves minimally invasive surgical techniques.
      • The patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day of the surgery.
      3. What is the recovery process after daycare surgery?

      After the completion of the surgery, the patient goes through two phases. The first phase is the recovery phase. In this phase, the patient will be stabilized until the vitals are stable. The patient will have less pain, minimal dizziness, less nausea and less vomitings. Such patients can directly go for the second phase of the recovery room.

      In the second phase, the patient is absolutely fine and is conscious enough, they can go back home in the evening after the surgery. If the patient takes more time in the first recovery phase, they will remain for some more time in the hospital than usual.

      4. What kind of post-operative complications are expected in a daycare surgery?

      Usually, the complications are classified into two types i.e., major and minor. But, in the case of daycare surgery, the patient will be evaluated at least a few weeks before the surgery. The surgeons will proceed with the surgery only after ensuring that there are no complications post-surgery.

      They make sure that there are no complications in the surgeon’s aspect as well as in the anesthetist aspect. There will be minor complaints after a daycare surgery. Mostly, the patient complains of having pain or not passed the urine or stools after the surgery. By informing these problems to the nursing staff or the concerned doctor, they will provide effective treatment immediately.

      5. What are the advantages of daycare surgery?
      • Faster Recovery
      • Lesser Hospitalization course
      • Peacefulness to the patient
      • Not prone to hospital infections i.e., nosocomial infections
      6. What are the contraindications for a daycare surgery?

      If the patient has uncontrolled hypertension, severe respiratory disorders, smoker, obese is considered the major contraindications for daycare surgery. The surgeons often suggest such patients go for elective surgeries. In any kind of surgery, such patients will be recovered in a better way without confronting any of the complications. Whether it is a traditional or elective or a daycare surgery, proper care should be taken for such patients.