Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in India

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to look inside the abdominal cavity and pelvis without making a large incision, unlike an open surgery. It is also called a minimally invasive surgery or a keyhole surgery. The surgeons use a device called a laparoscope to perform this procedure. It has a small camera lens and light attached to the end of a rod. The laparoscopic procedure helps to see inside the abdomen with the help of the camera by making small incisions. This procedure can help form a diagnosis and treatment procedure for certain conditions.

Laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open surgery, especially for abdominal organs such as the appendix, intestines, spleen, reproductive organs, etc. A few of the advantages are

  • Few smaller incisions (hence called keyhole surgery)
  • Quicker healing process
  • Minimal scarring compared to the open surgery
  • Lesser pain
  • Can get back to normal activities faster
  • Stay at the hospital will be just a day or two, where an open surgery requires a longer stay, up to a week or more, depending on the surgery.

The surgeon will make an incision around the belly button area during laparoscopy. A cannula is then inserted into the incision to pump CO2 or carbon dioxide to inflate the abdomen. This will help the surgeon to observe all the organs. After that, laparoscopy is inserted into the incision. The attached camera and the light display the images on a screen, which helps the surgeon to view the organs in real-time. After the treatment or diagnosis is made, the instruments are removed, and the incisions are sutured.

Yashoda Hospitals in Hyderabad are one of the most technologically advanced laparoscopic surgical facilities. We have a world-renowned surgical intensive care team with laparoscopic surgeons from all disciplines to provide complete pre and post-operative care. Our state-of-the-art facility has dedicated laparoscopy surgery rooms and a surgical intensive care unit (SICU).

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      Dr. Adi Rakesh Kumar

      MD, DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, Therapeutic Endoscopist & Endosonologist

      English, Telugu, Hindi

      13 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

      Interventional Endoscopy, Interventional Biliary and Pancreatico Endosonography, Third Space Endoscopy, Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), Gastric Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (G-POEM), Endoscopic Mucos...
      Therapeutic Endoscopy & Colonoscopy, Therapeutic ERCP , Spyglass Cholangioscopy, Interventional Biliary and Pancreatico EUS, Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), Third Space Endoscopy
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      Dr. Ajay Shesherao Shinde

      DNB (Internal Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Therapeutic Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      12 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Managing GI Emergencies (Gastrointestinal bleeding), Liver Failure, Interventional and Therapeutic Endoscopy (ERCP, EUS)
      Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Obesity Clinic, IBD Clinic, Transplant Hepatology, Liver Biopsy, Endoscopy
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      Dr. Akash Chaudhary

      MD, DM (Gastroenterology)

      Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Interventional Endoscopist

      19 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 09:30 AM - 03:00 PM

      Therapeutic Endoscopic & Colonoscopic Procedures, ERCP/Biliary Metal Stenting, Endoscopic Ultrasound/Endoscopic Mucosal Resection, Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)
      Services info not available
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      Dr. Anilkumar Mannava

      MD (General Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

      Telugu, Kannada, English, Hindi

      13 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 09am - 04pm

      Therapeutic Endoscopy, ERCP, EUS, Third Space Endoscopy, Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures, Research in the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
      Therapeutic Endoscopy & Colonoscopy, Therapeutic ERCP, Spyglass Cholangioscopy, Interventional Biliary and Pancreatico EUS, Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM), Third Space Endoscopy
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      Dr. B. Karthikeya Raman Reddy

      MBBS, MD, DNB (Gastroenterology)

      Associate Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist

      Telugu, English, Hindi, Malayalam

      5 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Expertise info not available
      Diagnostic Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy, Endoscopic Variceal Ligation (EVL), Polypectomy, Esophageal and Colonic Stenting, Foreign Body Removal, Hemoclip Application
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      Dr. B. Ravi Shankar

      MD, DNB, DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      27 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

      Biliary Tract Procedures-Esophageal, Internal and Biliary Metal Stents, Capsule Endoscopy (20 procedures per year), Endoscopy (2500 procedures per year), Colonoscopy (850 procedures per year), Endosco...
      Services info not available
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      Dr. B. Shruti Sagar

      MD, DM (Gastro)

      Associate Consultant Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      27 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, and Manometry, Advanced Endoscopy (ERCP and EUS), Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease Management
      Services info not available
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      Dr. D. Chandra Sekhar Reddy

      MD, DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Therapeutic Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      23 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:30 AM - 04:00 PM

      Liver Diseases , Advanced Endoscopic Procedures , Endoscopic Ultrasound, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), GI Motility and Functional Bowel Disorders
      Gastroenterology , Liver Diseases , Advanced Endoscopic Procedures , Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), Endoscopic Ultrasound, GI Motility Studies
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      Dr. G. R. Srinivas Rao

      DM, MD (Gastro)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Oriya

      33 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

      Fatty Liver Disease Treatment , Acute Chronic Pancreatitis Treatment , Hepatitis B and C Treatment
      Consultation for all Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders , Endoscopic Procedures (Both Upper GI and Lower GI) , Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) , Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedu...
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      Dr. Gopi Srikanth

      MD (PGIMER), DM & Fellowship (AIIMS, New Delhi), EUS Fellowship (WISE, WEO)

      Consultant in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Advanced Endoscopy

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      33 Yrs
      Hitec City
      Doctor timings not available
      Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Pancreatico-Biliary Diseases, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Ultrasound Procedures, Gastrointestinal Malignancies including Liver Malignancies, Gastroin...
      Services info not available
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      Dr. J. Kiran Kumar

      MD, DNB (Gastro)

      Associate Consultant Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      8 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Endoscopic Ultrasound, Chronic Liver Disease (Alcohol & NAFLD), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
      Endoscopy & Colonoscopy (Diagnostic and Therapeutic), ERCP & EUS (Diagnostic & Therapeutic), Manometry (Esophageal and Anal), Enteroscopy
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      Dr. K. S. Somasekhar Rao

      MD (Gen Med), DM (Gastro)

      Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu

      23 Yrs
      Hitec City
      Doctor timings not available
      Chronic Liver Diseases, GI Bleed, Chronic Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
      Treatment for, Heartburn, Abdominal Pain, Acute and Chronic Diarrhoea, Pancreatitis, Gallbladder Stones
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      Dr. Kiran Peddi

      MRCP (UK), FRCP (Lon), CCT Gastro (UK), Fellowship in Advanced Endoscopy and IBD (Aus)

      Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist

      Telugu, English, Hindi

      23 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

      Management of Simple and Complex IBD (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease), Management of Pancreatic Disorders, Management of Liver Diseases, Advanced Endoscopy including Endoscopic Ultrasound and ...
      Medical Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Basic and Advanced Endoscopy
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      Dr. Kishan Nunsavata

      MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist

      Telugu, English, Hindi

      8 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Third Space Endoscopy
      Diagnostic Endoscopy ProceduresUpper GI EndoscopyProctosigmoidoscopyColonoscopyEsophageal and Anorectal Manometry, Therapeutic Endoscopy Procedur...
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      Dr. Krishnagopal Bhandari

      MD (Internal Medicine), DNB (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Interventional Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu

      12 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM

      Gastrointestinal Emergencies and Liver Failure , Interventional Endoscopy (ERCP, Endosonography, Third Space Endoscopy), Transplant Hepatology, Research in the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology...
      Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hepatopancreatobiliary and Gastrointestinal Intervention, NAFLD (Fatty Liver) and Obesity Clinic, Liver Biopsy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic, Transplant ...
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      Dr. N. Ravisankar Reddy

      MBBS, MD (Internal medicine), DM (Gastroenterology)

      Senior Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      21 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON -SAT : 10:00AM - 05:00PM

      Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures, ERCP, Endosonography (EUS) related Interventions, GI Bleed Management, Managing Cholangitis, CBD Stones
      GERD, Peptic Ulcer Disease, IBD, IBS, Gastro-Related Malignancies, Liver Diseases of all etiology
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      Dr. Naveen Polavarapu

      MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasgow, UK), CCT (Gastro, UK), Liver Transplant Fellow (Birmingham, UK)

      Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, Liver Specialist & Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopist & Endosonologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      25 Yrs
      Hitec City
      Doctor timings not available
      Liver, Pancreatic & Bile Duct Diseases, Transplant Hepatology, Complex Gastrointestinal Conditions, Advanced Endoscopic Procedures (ERCP, Spyglass Cholangioscopy, EFTR, EUS, Spiral Enteroscopy, Third ...
      Diagnostic and advanced endoscopic procedures to treat simple to complex GI and Liver Diseases
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      Dr. Ramakanth Reddy A

      DNB, DrNB

      Associate Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Interventional Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil

      6 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Foreign Body Retrieval, Esophageal Manometry, Endoscopic Dilatation (SG, CRE, Pneumatic)
      ERCP, Endoscopic Ultrasound
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      Dr. Santosh Enaganti

      MD, MRCP, CCT (Gastro) (UK), FRCP (London)

      Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Advanced Interventional Endoscopist

      Telugu, English & Hindi

      23 Yrs
      Hitec City
      Doctor timings not available
      Level 4 Colonoscopist- JAG (UK), EMR/ESD Techniques for Endoscopic Removal of Large Polyps and Early Malignant Lesions, Complex ERCP/Lithotripsy Procedures, Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle As...
      Comprehensive GI and Hepatology Services, Management of Luminal Gastroenterology problems like Ulcers/Strictures, Dyspepsia, Reflux, IBS, GI Bleeding, Management of IBD (Adults and Paediatrics), Manag...
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      Dr. Sarada Pasangulapati

      MRCP (UK), MRCP (Gastro), CCT (UK), FRCP (Glasgow), Fellowship in Hepatology and Liver Transplantation (Cambridge)

      Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

      Telugu, English, Hindi

      13 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

      Management of Acute and Chronic Liver Disease, Management of Pancreatic Disorders, Management of Various GI Conditions in Women, GI Diseases Associated with Pregnancy, Advanced Endoscopy including End...
      Medical Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Advanced Endoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound
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      Dr. Sarathchandra Gorantla

      MD (General Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist & Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopist

      English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada

      14 Yrs
      Hitec City
      Doctor timings not available
      Expertise info not available
      ERCP, Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic EUS, Capsule Endoscopy, Spiral Enteroscopy, Esophageal Manometry, Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures: Esophageal, Duodenal, Colonic Ste...
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      Dr. Sriram Srikakulapu

      MD (General Medicine), DM (Medical Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      5 Yrs
      Doctor timings not available
      Functional Bowel Disorders, Motility Disorders-Esophageal and Anorectal Manometry, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Critical Care, Therapeutic ERCP, Therapeutic EUS, EVL Banding and Glue Injection for Gas...
      Gastroenterology, Pancreatic Disorders, Liver Diseases, Critical Care in Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Liver Diseases in Pregnancy, Therapeutic ERCP
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      Dr. Vamsidhar Reddy. V

      MD (General Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu

      14 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON- SAT : 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

      Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures, Variceal Ligation, Variceal Injection, Endoscopic Dilation with Bougie and Balloon, Endoscopic Treatment of Ulcer Bleeds, Polypectomy, Chromoendoscopy
      Liver Biopsy, HVPG, Spiral Enteroscopy, Capsule Endoscopy, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Interventions (EUS)
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      Dr. Viswanath Reddy D

      MD, DM (Gastroenterology)

      Consultant Gastroenterologist

      English, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Tamil

      12 Yrs

      Day time OPD:
      MON - SAT : 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

      Endoscopic Ultrasound , IBD
      Endoscopy & Colonoscopy (Diagnostic and Therapeutic), ERCP & EUS (Diagnostic & Therapeutic), Manometry (Esophageal and Anal), Enteroscopy
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      Who is the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in India?

      Yashoda Hospitals has one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in India, with over 20 years of experience.

      Which is the best Laparoscopic Surgery hospital in India?

      Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, is one of the best hospitals in India that deals in laparoscopic surgeries.

      What conditions do Laparoscopic Surgeons treat in India?

      Laparoscopic surgeons treat many different types of conditions. Few of them are

      • Gynecological problems in women like endometriosis, hysterectomy, etc.
      • Gastroenterological problems like appendicitis, gallbladder stones, hernia surgery, stomach surgery, colon surgery, spleen removal surgery, etc.
      • Renal conditions like kidney stones, etc.
      What procedures and surgeries do Laparoscopic Surgeons do?

      Laparoscopic surgeons make a few small incisional in the skin. Then they use laparoscopy and other surgical instruments and place them in the abdomen through those incisions. Carbon Dioxide or CO2 is pumped into the abdomen to have access. Surgeons then either treat, repair, or diagnose with the help of a camera.

      Why are Yashoda Hospitals in India the best Laparoscopic Surgery hospitals in India?

      Yashoda Hospitals in India are one of India’s most technologically advanced and trusted hospitals. We have world-class doctors equipped with the latest technology to ensure that the patients get the best possible treatment in India.

      What is a laparoscopic surgeon?

      A surgeon who performs procedures using advanced laparoscopic devices and methods in various disciplines like gynecology, gastroenterology, general surgery, pediatric surgery, etc., is a laparoscopic surgeon.

      Can a general surgeon perform laparoscopic surgery?

      General surgeons who have experience and are trained in advanced laparoscopic procedures can perform laparoscopic surgery.

      Why should I meet a laparoscopic surgeon?

      Laparoscopic surgery has so many advantages. It is less painful and makes small incisions that leave little or no scars. It is faster healing and does not require much post-operative care. It requires a shorter stay at the hospital.

      What is the duration of laparoscopic surgery?

      The duration of the laparoscopic surgery depends on the type of the procedure. It takes 30-60 minutes for diagnosis. The duration of the treatment procedure varies.

      For more information on laparoscopic surgery, consult our medical experts for a free opinion.