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Further Scope

  • Emergency medicine by itself is an emerging opportunity in India. Apart from being consultants in emergency medicine, physicians in this discipline can become the emergency department administrators, EMS (emergency medical services) directors, EMS & paramedic trainers, disaster planning consultants and first aid trainers for non-medical personnel.
  • They can even be the top Public Relation Officers due to their close association and intricate knowledge of every specialty and their personnel. Emergency physicians also have excellent skills in managing any problem whether related to patients or their attendees.
  • Every emergency physician is trained appropriately in the latest and appropriate methods of cardiopulmonary, trauma and pediatric resuscitation skills. This makes them an ideal choice to teach first aid and CPR skills.
  • Pay scales vary depending on the hospital and the region. The quality of EM training, qualification and EM experience definitely matters. There are no average figures available. Pay package currently varies.. Widely between each EP depending on the nature of his / her responsibilities. An emergency physician working for 36-42 hours a week in a busy emergency department of a corporate hospital no added responsibilities can expect no less than Rs. 6-10 lakh per annum in South India, excluding benefits. They can surely earn more in the North. People who are crossing over into EM after completing post-graduation in other specialties will not be as competitive in the job market as emergency physicians trained & qualified purely in EM.