Heel Pain

Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Heel Pain?

It is a physical discomfort on the back or under the heel. It causes swelling and sores. A sore heel will usually heal on its own with minimal precautions, but when not paid attention to, or if the patient continues to do the activities that cause pain, may lead them to severe complications and discomfort.

Heel Pain

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    What are the causes of Heel Pain?

    Following are the most common causes that lead to heel pain. They must be prevented as much as possible:

    • Plantar fasciitis
    • Sprains and strains
    • Fracture
    • Achilles tendon
    • Bursitis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Osteochondroses
    • Reactive arthritis


    Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content provider who is clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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