Estrogen deficiency state

Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Estrogen deficiency state?

Estrogen is a hormone produced in higher quantities in females but is also present in smaller quantities in males.

Estrogen deficiency also known as hypoestrogenism is a condition that refers to a lower level of estrogen than normal. Since it is a primary sex hormone in females, it’s deficiency may result in differences in the skin, breasts, genitalia, and urinary tract.

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    What are the causes of Estrogen deficiency state?

    Some underlying causes of this condition are caused due to:

    • Excessive exercising
    • Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia
    • Pituitary gland that is less functional than normal
    • Premature ovarian failure due to genetic causes, toxins, autoimmune disorders
    • Turner syndrome: It is a condition wherein one of the x chromosomes is completely or partially missing
    • Chronic kidney disease


    Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content provider who is clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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