Calcium metabolism disorders

Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Risk Factors, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Calcium metabolism disorders?

Calcium metabolism disorders occur either when there is excess or lack of calcium levels in the blood. This inappropriate level of calcium may result in certain conditions such as hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia.

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    What are the causes of Calcium metabolism disorders?

    The major causes of hypocalcemia are:

    • Hypoparathyroidism: It is the condition in which secretion of parathyroid hormone is decreased and this leads to decreased blood levels of calcium (hypocalcemia) and increased levels of blood phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia).
    • Pseudohypoparathyroidism: It is a rare inherited or genetic condition in which resistance to parathyroid hormone is shown in the body.
    • Lower levels of vitamin D in the body
    • Deficiency of magnesium in body
    • Conditions like renal failure
    • Intolerance to foods containing calcium
    • Changes in hormone levels
    • Genetic factors
      Calcium metabolism disorders


    Disclaimer: The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content provider who is clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

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