Synovial Joint

Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Preventions and Treatment

What would you like to know?

What is Synovial Joint?

Synovial is a type of joint between bones that move against each other. It has a joint cavity filled with fluid. There are various diseases associated with the joint. Two of the most common diseases are synovial chondromatosis (also known as synovial osteochondromatosis) and synovitis.  

Synovial chondromatosis is a non-cancerous tumor that arises in the lining of a joint. It is an extremely rare condition. Synovitis, on the other hand, is the Inflammation of a synovial membrane

Synovial Joint: What is Synovial Joint, its Causes

What are the causes of Synovial Joint?

The most common causes of synovial diseases include: 

  • Overuse of the joint
  • People whose jobs involve repetitive stress movement 
  • Inflammatory arthritis 

Note: The real cause of synovial chondromatosis is yet unknown. However, it is often linked to the above-mentioned causes. The condition occurs spontaneously.


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