What are the symptoms of Inflammatory Arthritis?
The onset of the condition is indicated by the following symptoms:
What are the risk factors of Inflammatory Arthritis?
Risk factors for inflammatory arthritis include:
- Middle-aged group
- Family history
- Regular smoker
- Environmental exposures
- Obesity
What are the complications of Inflammatory Arthritis?
There are several complications associated with inflammatory arthritis. Few of which are listed below:
- Osteoporosis: A condition in which the bones become weak and brittle. The healthy body constantly absorbs and replaces bone tissues, building new and strong bones. In the case of osteoporosis, the new bone formation doesn’t keep up with the removal of old bones.
- Rheumatoid nodules: These are firm lumps that develop under the skin, often near the joints.
- Dry eyes and mouth: When inflammatory arthritis affects the tear and salivary glands, it leads to dry eyes, dry mouth, and sometimes even dry skin. These additional complications often aggravate the arthritis.
- Infections: Infections caused due to bacteria, virus or fungus between or near the joints can cause severe complications.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome: It is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and arm. It occurs when the median nerve in the hand is squeezed or compressed.
- Lymphoma: It is a type of cancer in which lymphocytes (fighting cells of the immune system) start to change and grow uncontrollably.