Compartment Syndrome Symptoms and Complications

Compartment Syndrome
Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

What would you like to know?

What are the symptoms of Compartment Syndrome?

Symptoms of acute compartment syndrome develop within a few hours of injury. These include:

  • Severe and continuous pain in an arm or leg
  • Absence of sensation, feelings of numbness in an arm or leg
  • Bruises, swelling, tightness in an area

Symptoms of chronic compartment syndrome are usually related to extreme exertion of the body. These usually subside when the individual rests. Some common symptoms include:

  • Intense pain
  • Tingling and/or burning sensations
  • Stiffness in the arm or leg
  • Difficulty in moving the legs
  • Muscle bulging

What are the complications of Compartment Syndrome?

An untreated condition may cause certain complications such as:

  • Muscle scarring
  • Severe infection
  • Amputation of the arm/leg
  • Permanent nerve damage
  • Muscle breakdown
  • Compartment Syndrome: Pain Management. WebMD. Available at: Accessed on June 11, 2020.
  • Compartment Syndrome. Healthline. Available at: Accessed on June 11, 2020.
  • Compartment Syndrome. Medicine Net. Available at: Accessed on June 11, 2020.

“The content of this publication has been developed by a third party content providerwho are clinicians and/or medical writers and/or experts. The information contained herein is for educational purpose only and we request you to please consult a Registered Medical Practitioner or Doctor before deciding the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.”