Bronchoscopic Removal of Foreign Body
Background A 55 year old male presented with an accidental aspiration of a metallic foreign body while undergoing Root Canal procedure. Diagnosis And Treatment: Foreign body removal was done under General anaesthesia (I-Gel) using Flexible Bronchoscopy....
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Background A 20 year male presented to ER with complaints of right upper limb and lower limb weakness with a deviation of the mouth towards left, loss of speech and decreased comprehension since 5 hours of duration. At the time of presentation, NIHSS scale - 16 right...
Continue reading...Tumor Removal by Bronchoscopy
Background 72 years old male, reformed smoker now presented with cough, shortness of breath and haemoptysis. Diagnosis And Treatment: Under GA, the patient was intubated with Rigid Bronchoscope. Using ES snare left main bronchus mass was snared and...
Continue reading...Tumor Removal by Bronchoscopy
Background 45 years old female with history of high grade Pleomorphic Sarcoma of breast with lung metastasis, now presented with complaints of shortness of breath and mild hemoptysis Diagnosis And Treatment: Bronchoscopy revealed near complete occlusion of...
Continue reading...Right Arterial TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) Decompression by Cervical Rib Excision for Acute Upper Limb Ischemia
Background A 29 year old male, active smoker, presented with a cold right hand with severe pain and bluish discoloration of all fingers since 2 days. Diagnosis And Treatment: Patient had outside arterial doppler report showing right radial artery...
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