Giant Splenic Artery Aneurysm Treated by (Spleen Sparing) Endovascular Embolization
Background A 48 year old female presented with dull aching epigastric pain which aggravated since last 4 days. Diagnosis & Treatment On evaluation, USG abdomen revealed an aneurysm in relation to splenic artery. CECT abdomen with CT angiogram revealed a large...
Continue reading...Symptomatic Carotid Near Total Occlusion Treated by Carotid Stenting
Background A 74 year old male presented with sudden onset slurring of speech and right sided weakness for 12 hrs. Diagnosis And Treatment MRI brain revealed acute infarct in left insula. MR angiography revealed non visualization of left ICA. DSA was done which...
Continue reading...Symptomatic Carotid Near Total Occlusion Treated by Carotid Stenting
Background A 69 year old male presented with right upper and lower limb weakness for 10 days. He had a history of recurrent Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) for 3 years. Diagnosis And Treatment Doppler study revealed bilateral carotid artery stenosis (left >right)....
Continue reading...Fluoroscopy Guided Removal of Dislodged IV Canula Shaft
Background A 55 year old male was admitted in the outside hospital for acute febrile illness. After 1 week of management, the patient was planned for discharge. During removal of IV canula before discharge, the canula got cut accidentally and its plastic shaft got...
Continue reading...Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Right Hemiparesis and Aphasia
Background A 20 year male presented to ER with complaints of right upper limb and lower limb weakness with a deviation of the mouth towards left, loss of speech and decreased comprehension since 5 hours of duration. At the time of presentation, NIHSS scale - 16 right...
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