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A Legacy of Hope & Care

Since three decades, Yashoda Group of Hospitals has been providing quality healthcare for the people in their diverse medical needs.

Bronchoscopic Excision of Tracheal Tumor

Bronchoscopic Excision of Tracheal Tumor

Bronchoscopy revealed a tumor causing near complete occlusion of the upper trachea. Rigid bronchoscopic removal of the tumor was done using the coring technique and electrocautery. Complete luminal patency was achieved at the end. Patient went home walking the same day.

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Robotic mediastinal tumor excision

Robotic mediastinal tumor excision

Background  A 29-year-old male patient from Kerala was incidentally told about a left mediastinal tumor on a chest x-ray while undergoing screening for a job. Diagnosis and Treatment  There were no comorbidities. The CT chest showed 3.7*2.7*2.6 cm smooth...

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Robotic left mediastinal tumor excision

Robotic left mediastinal tumor excision

Background  A 31-year-old male patient had incidental finding of left mediastinal mass during occupational screening.  Diagnosis and Treatment  The patient’s CT showed cystic mass. Robotic left mediastinal tumor excision was planned. On table, cystic mass...

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