A Legacy of Hope & Care
Since three decades, Yashoda Group of Hospitals has been providing quality healthcare for the people in their diverse medical needs.
Case Studies
Acute onset quadriplegia as a complication of hepatitis-A infection
Background A 14 year old boy was brought to the emergency department with history of sudden onset of neck pain, one episode of non-bilious vomiting after getting up from bed followed by weakness of lower and upper limbs which progressed to truncal and...
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Uniportal Bullectomy
Background A 21 year old male patient presented with a history of dyspnea on exertion. Diagnosis And Treatment CXR showed right sided pneumothorax. ICD was placed. CT scan showed apical bullae. Uniportal bullectomy was done by Video-assisted thoracoscopic...
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery of Solitary Fibrous Pleural Tumor
Background A 51 years old male patient came with a history of dyspnoea on exertion and purulent cough since 6 months. Pleural fluid aspiration was performed -6 times over 2 months. (1 - 1.5 litres of hemorrhagic pleural fluid was aspirated) Diagnosis And...
Central Pancreatectomy
Background A 54 year old female patient came with a history of upper abdomen pain on and off since 3 months. Diagnosis And Treatment CECT abdomen shows a 2.5 cm mass in the neck of the pancreas. Whole body PET-CT shows no other site of disease. EUS guided...
Robotic Ureteropyelostomy in A 10 Month Child With Complete Duplex Kidney With Ectopic Ureter
Introduction Renal duplication anomalies are common in children with varied presentation. In children with well-functioning obstructed moieties, preservation of renal parenchyma by common sheath reimplantation, uretero-pyelostomy, ureteroureterostomy is...
EBUS-TBNA for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis / Sarcoidosis
Background A 42 year old female came with chief complaints of dry cough, low grade fever, breathlessness, chest discomfort since 1 month with no history of loss of weight or appetite. Diagnosis And Treatment Chest X-ray shows superior mediastinal widening....
Endobronchial Ultrasound – Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Lung Tumour
Background 67 years old. K/c/o hypertension and hypothyroidism. Presented with complaints of cough since 2 months, shortness of breath since 1 month and significant loss of weight. Diagnosis And Treatment CT chest showed a right parahilar mass with...
Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis
Background 20 years old male with a history of mechanical ventilation for 15 days after neuroparalytic snake bite presented with stridor at rest. He was using accessory muscles and was in type 2 respiratory failure. Diagnosis And Treatment CT scan showed...
Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis
Background 66 years old man, tracheostomised for severe pneumonia, earlier developed post tracheostomy stenosis presented with severe stridor with tracheal lumen of 3 mm. Diagnosis And Treatment Emergency tracheal dilatation was done using cautery and...