A Legacy of Hope & Care

Since three decades, Yashoda Group of Hospitals has been providing quality healthcare for the people in their diverse medical needs.

Case Studies

Central Pancreatectomy

Central Pancreatectomy

Background A 54 year old female patient came with a history of upper abdomen pain on and off since 3 months. Diagnosis And Treatment CECT abdomen shows a 2.5 cm mass in the neck of the pancreas. Whole body PET-CT shows no other site of disease. EUS guided...

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Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis

Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis

Background 20 years old male with a history of mechanical ventilation for 15 days after neuroparalytic snake bite presented with stridor at rest. He was using accessory muscles and was in type 2 respiratory failure. Diagnosis And Treatment CT scan showed...

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Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis

Balloon Dilatation of Tracheal Stenosis

Background 66 years old man, tracheostomised for severe pneumonia, earlier developed post tracheostomy stenosis presented with severe stridor with tracheal lumen of 3 mm. Diagnosis And Treatment Emergency tracheal dilatation was done using cautery and...

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