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A Legacy of Hope & Care

Since three decades, Yashoda Group of Hospitals has been providing quality healthcare for the people in their diverse medical needs.

Bilateral PCNL in a patient with ileal conduit

Bilateral PCNL in a patient with ileal conduit

Background A 63-year-old male presented  with bilateral flank pain.  Diagnosis & Treatment  On  imaging,  he was found  to have bilateral  multiple calculi and  simple cysts. Challenges  in the surgery were the retrograde access  to pelvicalyceal...

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Right bronchoscopic foreign body removal

Right bronchoscopic foreign body removal

Background A 16-year-old boy presented at Yashoda Hospitals having accidentally aspirated a root canal instrument during a dental procedure.  Diagnosis & Treatment The metallic foreign body was 2.5 cm long. It was removed using rigid bronchoscopy...

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Cryo extraction of impacted betel nut

Cryo extraction of impacted betel nut

Background  A 13-year-old boy while eating betel nut accidentally aspirated one in his lungs. It was unnoticed for one year, and he continued to have pneumonia.  Diagnosis & Treatment Bronchoscopy showed impacted betel nut with surrounding granulation....

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