Follow these Simple Tips to Stay Hydrated During Summer
Since our body contains more than 60% water, staying dehydrated can jeopardize our health and leads to the loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body in the form of sweat.
సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ- కారణాలు-లక్షణములు-చికిత్స విధానాలు
సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ అనేది మెదడు కణాలను కోల్పోయే పరిస్థితి. మెదడు యొక్క కొంత భాగానికి లేదా మొత్తం మెదడుకు కణాలు కోల్పోవడం జరగవచ్చు. మెదడు ద్రవ్యరాశిలో తగ్గుదల, మరియు నరాల పనితీరు కోల్పోవడం వంటివి సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీలో స్పష్టంగా కనిపిస్తుంది.
Matchmaking-Donors in Stem Cell Transplants
A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that replaces bone marrow with healthy replacement cells that can be taken either from a patient’s body or from a donor.
వడదెబ్బ – లక్షణాలు – ముందుజాగ్రత చర్యలు – నివారణామార్గాలు
వడదెబ్బ (Heat stroke) లేదా ఎండదెబ్బ అంటే ఎక్కువ ఉష్ణోగ్రతల తాకిడికి గురైన కారణంగా శరీరంలోని వేడిని నియంత్రించే విధానం విఫలమయి ప్రాణాపాయ పరిస్థితి ఏర్పడడం. చాలా వేడియైన వాతావరణం లేదా చురుకైన పనులవలన కలిగే అధిక వేడిని శరీరం తట్టుకోలేనప్పుడు ఇది సంభవిస్తుంది.
HIPEC Surgery: All you need to know
HIPEC surgery involves injecting high doses of chemotherapy into the abdomen to treat cancer that has progressed beyond the original organ.
Respiratory Disease in Summer
We’re all aware of how difficult it is to fight respiratory infections throughout the winter months. But did you know that a high temperature has an impact on our lungs and breathing?
Stroke identification and management
The identification of the stroke can help patients to act F.A.S.T in receiving the therapy/ treatment they require. The most effective stroke treatments are only accessible if the stroke is noticed and diagnosed within three hours of the onset of symptoms
All you need to know about Bladder Cancer: Risk factors, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Patients with bladder cancer can receive one of four treatments which include surgery, chemotherapy, intravenous chemotherapy or immunotherapy for superficial tumors, and radiation therapy.
কিডনি রোগীদের ওপর কোভিড-১৯-এর প্রভাব
কোভিড-১৯ আক্রান্তদের মধ্যে কিডনি রোগ অ্যাকিউট কিডনি ইনজুরি (একেআই), হেমাটুরিয়া বা প্রোটিনুরিয়া হিসাবে পরিচিত এবং এর ফলে মৃত্যুর ঝুঁকিও বেশি থাকে।
শুধু ফুসফুস নয়, কিডনির মাধ্যমেও ছড়াতে পারে করোনা
বিশ্বজুড়ে এখনো কঠোর অবস্থানে রয়েছে সারস-কোভ-২ ভাইরাস, যা কোভিড-১৯ বা করোনা ভাইরাস নামে অধিক পরিচিত। ২০১৯ সালের শেষ দিকে মানবশরীরে সর্বপ্রথম করোনা ভাইরাস সনাক্ত করা হয় এবং বিগত তিন বছরে অসংখ্য গবেষণার পর ভাইরাস সংক্রান্ত বিভিন্ন তথ্য আমরা জানতে পেরেছি।
Follow these Simple Tips to Stay Hydrated During Summer
Since our body contains more than 60% water, staying dehydrated can jeopardize our health and leads to the loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body in the form of sweat.
సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ- కారణాలు-లక్షణములు-చికిత్స విధానాలు
సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీ అనేది మెదడు కణాలను కోల్పోయే పరిస్థితి. మెదడు యొక్క కొంత భాగానికి లేదా మొత్తం మెదడుకు కణాలు కోల్పోవడం జరగవచ్చు. మెదడు ద్రవ్యరాశిలో తగ్గుదల, మరియు నరాల పనితీరు కోల్పోవడం వంటివి సెరిబ్రల్ అట్రోఫీలో స్పష్టంగా కనిపిస్తుంది.
Matchmaking-Donors in Stem Cell Transplants
A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that replaces bone marrow with healthy replacement cells that can be taken either from a patient’s body or from a donor.
వడదెబ్బ – లక్షణాలు – ముందుజాగ్రత చర్యలు – నివారణామార్గాలు
వడదెబ్బ (Heat stroke) లేదా ఎండదెబ్బ అంటే ఎక్కువ ఉష్ణోగ్రతల తాకిడికి గురైన కారణంగా శరీరంలోని వేడిని నియంత్రించే విధానం విఫలమయి ప్రాణాపాయ పరిస్థితి ఏర్పడడం. చాలా వేడియైన వాతావరణం లేదా చురుకైన పనులవలన కలిగే అధిక వేడిని శరీరం తట్టుకోలేనప్పుడు ఇది సంభవిస్తుంది.
HIPEC Surgery: All you need to know
HIPEC surgery involves injecting high doses of chemotherapy into the abdomen to treat cancer that has progressed beyond the original organ.
Respiratory Disease in Summer
We’re all aware of how difficult it is to fight respiratory infections throughout the winter months. But did you know that a high temperature has an impact on our lungs and breathing?
Stroke identification and management
The identification of the stroke can help patients to act F.A.S.T in receiving the therapy/ treatment they require. The most effective stroke treatments are only accessible if the stroke is noticed and diagnosed within three hours of the onset of symptoms
All you need to know about Bladder Cancer: Risk factors, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Patients with bladder cancer can receive one of four treatments which include surgery, chemotherapy, intravenous chemotherapy or immunotherapy for superficial tumors, and radiation therapy.
কিডনি রোগীদের ওপর কোভিড-১৯-এর প্রভাব
কোভিড-১৯ আক্রান্তদের মধ্যে কিডনি রোগ অ্যাকিউট কিডনি ইনজুরি (একেআই), হেমাটুরিয়া বা প্রোটিনুরিয়া হিসাবে পরিচিত এবং এর ফলে মৃত্যুর ঝুঁকিও বেশি থাকে।
শুধু ফুসফুস নয়, কিডনির মাধ্যমেও ছড়াতে পারে করোনা
বিশ্বজুড়ে এখনো কঠোর অবস্থানে রয়েছে সারস-কোভ-২ ভাইরাস, যা কোভিড-১৯ বা করোনা ভাইরাস নামে অধিক পরিচিত। ২০১৯ সালের শেষ দিকে মানবশরীরে সর্বপ্রথম করোনা ভাইরাস সনাক্ত করা হয় এবং বিগত তিন বছরে অসংখ্য গবেষণার পর ভাইরাস সংক্রান্ত বিভিন্ন তথ্য আমরা জানতে পেরেছি।