Premature Baby: An Unexpected Early Surprise

Every couple anticipates the joy of welcoming the newest member of the family. However, among all the festivities and preparations, the parents’ greatest concern is the foetus’s health. Even if everything goes perfectly from the beginning, it’s still...

Mosquito borne diseases

1. How can a mosquito spread disease? 2. Predominant mosquito borne diseases in India 3. Signs and Symptoms of infection caused by mosquitoes 4. Prevention 5. How safe are mosquito repellents? In about 150 countries around the world, mosquitoes are a common pest....

Does Baby Powder Cause Cancer?

Baby powder is among the most widely used and accessible products on the market. A baby’s daily care regimen now wouldn’t be complete without baby powder. It keeps the infant clean and odour-free and helps to avoid rashes. Baby products have gained...