
10 Common Monsoon Diseases and Tips for Prevention

Though the monsoon provides relief from the heat, it is critical to keep ourselves aware of and protect ourselves from…

2 years ago

Do weight losing diets harm the functionality of the kidneys?

High-protein diet with carbohydrate restriction for a longer period is not advised for people with chronic kidney disease because they…

2 years ago

Cervical Cancer: An overview

Cancer is a large group of diseases resulting from the uncontrolled division of cells triggered by various reasons. Depending on…

2 years ago

Tongue Cancer: An overview

Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that affects the different types of cells of the tongue. There are many…

2 years ago

Thyroid Cancer: An Overview

Thyroid cancer affects the cells of the thyroid. The thyroid is a gland present in the base of the neck…

2 years ago

Esophageal Cancer: An overview

Esophageal cancer, an aggressive type of cancer of the esophagus (the long tube connecting the throat and stomach) is the…

2 years ago

6 Things to consider while creating a Summer Workout Plan

Summer is finally here, and it is the ideal time to shed those winter pounds. The significance of exercising daily…

2 years ago

Are you eating right during the summer? These healthy summer foods can help to beat the heat

Extreme heat and humidity cause loss of appetite. Hence, it is critical to eat regularly to give your body proper…

2 years ago

Follow these Simple Tips to Stay Hydrated During Summer

Since our body contains more than 60% water, staying dehydrated can jeopardize our health and leads to the loss of…

2 years ago

Matchmaking-Donors in Stem Cell Transplants

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that replaces bone marrow with healthy replacement cells that can be taken…

2 years ago