
Heart Attacks are Becoming Common in Indian Youth

Heart Attacks are Becoming Common in Indian Youth

As a result of the changing lifestyle, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, say cases of heart attacks are being reported at least a decade and half before the typical high risk age. In India, the age of people at risk of getting heart attack is anywhere between 25 years and 35 years.

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Nipah Virus, a New Viral Threat

Nipah Virus, a New Viral Threat

Nipah virus infection, a deadly endemic in Kerala, South India. It is a viral zoonosis with severe symptoms and high fatality. Safeguard yourself and your loved ones with the preventive and safety measures you need this hour

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Low Back Pain – a Constant Pain for the Human Race

Low Back Pain – a Constant Pain for the Human Race

Back pain is common, 8 out of 10 people suffer back pain at some time of their life. Majority of people have nothing seriously wrong with their body. The Costs-to-Society are huge, hence it’s a problem which has to be acted upon and rectified as early as possible.

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