COVID-19 Vaccines: Myths & Facts
The vast population is eager to get vaccinated as a first step towards controlling the spread of COVID-19 infection. Though there are a lot of misconceptions regarding the development, clinical trials, or side effects of the vaccines, it has become increasingly essential to separate these Myths from Facts.
Vector Borne Diseases and COVID-19
Vector-borne diseases are infections caused by parasites, viruses and bacteria. These bloodsucking insects transmit infectious pathogens amongst humans, as well as from animals to humans.
Management of Pediatric Cancer Patients During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unparalleled global challenge to the safe and effective care for children with cancer.
Brain Tumor Myths and Facts
A brain tumor is a tumor which develops in the cells of the brain. A growth, collection or mass of abnormal cells in the brain is called a brain tumor. These tumors can occur at any age.
All You Need to Know about Brain Tumors
1. What is Brain Tumor? 2. What are the symptoms of Brain Tumor? 3. What is the impact of Brain Tumor in young children? 4. What is the process of diagnosing Brain Tumor? 5. What is the treatment procedure for Brain Tumor? 6. Brain Tumor and Covid-19 7. Is Brain Tumor...
What is Brain Tumor? Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
New growth of abnormal tissue that is often uncontrolled and progressive is called a tumor. A tumor can be a swelling in the part of a body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant.
Post Covid Care: Guidelines for People Recovering Post Covid-19
If you have just recovered from COVID-19 or returned home from the hospital, you have won the battle but the war is still on. Pat yourself and get ready for more battles as you get back to your routine life.
Covid Care at Home Guidelines for Covid-19 Patients
Covid Care at Home Guidelines for Covid-19 Patients
Molnupiravir: The Miraculous Drug to Treat Covid-19
What is Molnupiravir? Molnupiravir drug is an orally effective prodrug of the manufactured nucleoside evolved N4-hydroxycytidine. It prompts errors in the viral RNA grouping, stopping the viral replication, lessening the contamination, and restricting infection...