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General Medicine Hospital in Hyderabad

General Medicine Patient Care in Hyderabad

The Department of General Medicine manages all aspects of a patient’s general health care.

The Department of General Medicine at Yashoda is one of the best tertiary care centers in India and is staffed by highly qualified doctors of national and international repute. This department provides:

General medical care to adult patients through

  • O.P.D
  • Speciality Clinic
  • I.P.D
  • Intensive Care Units

General Medicine Diagnostic Centre in Hyderabad

Supporting Diagnostic facilities

The primary objectives of this department are:

  • Accurate diagnosis
  • Prompt treatment
  • Patient awareness regarding preventive aspects of the diseases

 The department works in close association with all other superspecialities to ensure that the needs of all types of patients are properly identified and met.

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    Patient Testimonials For General Medicine