Herniated disc, its causes, symptoms and treatment – PELD
Degenerative diseases of the spine or slip disc can be managed in two ways: Conservative therapy and surgical intervention. The choice of treatment largely depends on case-to-case scenario, underlying medical condition and the requirements of the patient
How to treat women with hunched back & Osteoporosis?
Yes, osteoporosis is one of the common reasons of hunchback. People with osteoporosis most experience damage of bones in the upper (thoracic) spine. These bones break causing back pain, loss in height and a stooped or hunched posture, called kyphosis.
Facet Joint Arthropathy – What is it and how is it treated?
Facet joint arthropathy also known as facet joint arthrosis, facet joint osteoarthritis is the damage to facet joints that hold spinal vertebrae. There are several treatment options such as prescription medicines, nerve radiofrequency ablation, and spinal fusion surgery.
Low Back Pain – a Constant Pain for the Human Race
Back pain is common, 8 out of 10 people suffer back pain at some time of their life. Majority of people have nothing seriously wrong with their body. The Costs-to-Society are huge, hence it’s a problem which has to be acted upon and rectified as early as possible.
Pull back muscle and Lower back pain
Lower back pain can virtually cripple you Pull back muscle and lower back pain are associated with the lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5). Lower back pain is experienced by everyone at one point of time. It may occur due to...
READ MOREHow to treat Neck Pain and Problems?
Do you know that neck pain can be a symptom of a more serious health problem?Neck pain occurs when the neck muscles are strained due to poor posture. If you are working at your computer for long hours, you are sure to develop...