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Joint pains after a viral fever…

At a Glance: 1. What is viral arthritis? 2. What are the viruses that can cause an arthritis? 3. How long does viral arthritis last? 4. Who are at risk of developing long term viral arthritis? 5. What are the treatment options available for viral arthritis? With the...

Managing Lupus:All you need to know

At a Glance: What is lupus? How does one get lupus? Is lupus contagious, can it be transferred from one person to another? Will lupus go away on its own? Why does a person with lupus feel tired? What can a person do about it? How does alcohol consumption affect a...

What is Cushing’s Disease?

Cushing’s Disease is when there is an excess of cortisol in the blood stream due to a pituaitary tumour Cushing’s Disease is a condition which causes the pituitary gland (that belongs in the endocrine system) releases too much of ACTH. Cushing’s Disease is not...