Do weight losing diets harm the functionality of the kidneys?
High-protein diet with carbohydrate restriction for a longer period is not advised for people with chronic kidney disease because they may cause further kidney damage.
কিডনি রোগীদের ওপর কোভিড-১৯-এর প্রভাব
কোভিড-১৯ আক্রান্তদের মধ্যে কিডনি রোগ অ্যাকিউট কিডনি ইনজুরি (একেআই), হেমাটুরিয়া বা প্রোটিনুরিয়া হিসাবে পরিচিত এবং এর ফলে মৃত্যুর ঝুঁকিও বেশি থাকে।
শুধু ফুসফুস নয়, কিডনির মাধ্যমেও ছড়াতে পারে করোনা
বিশ্বজুড়ে এখনো কঠোর অবস্থানে রয়েছে সারস-কোভ-২ ভাইরাস, যা কোভিড-১৯ বা করোনা ভাইরাস নামে অধিক পরিচিত। ২০১৯ সালের শেষ দিকে মানবশরীরে সর্বপ্রথম করোনা ভাইরাস সনাক্ত করা হয় এবং বিগত তিন বছরে অসংখ্য গবেষণার পর ভাইরাস সংক্রান্ত বিভিন্ন তথ্য আমরা জানতে পেরেছি।
Organ Donation: Myth, Facts & Challenges
A variety of organs and tissues can be donated by a deceased donor. The most common organs transplanted by a deceased donor are kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, heart valves and corneas. The other organs include the intestine, pancreas, bones, skin, uterus and limbs.
కిడ్నీ సమస్యలకు అత్యాధునిక రోబోటిక్ సర్జరీలు
ఒకప్పుడు ఆపరేషన్ అంటే కత్తులు, కటార్లతో పెద్ద కోతలు పెట్టి చేసేవాళ్లు. ఎక్కడ సర్జరీ అవసరం అయితే అక్కడ కోసి లోపలున్న అవయవాలను సరిచేసేవాళ్లు. కాని అభివృద్ధి చెందిన వైద్యరంగం కష్టంలేని సర్జరీలను ఆవిష్కరిస్తున్నది. అలా వచ్చిందే లాపరోస్కోపిక్ సర్జరీ. ఇప్పుడు లాపరోస్కోపిక్ సర్జరీల కన్నా ఆధునికమైన రోబోలు వచ్చేశాయి.
Glomerulonephritis – a kidney disease
Glomerulonephritis is a condition wherein the urine formation is affected, resulting in protein and blood in urine, swelling in the body, etc. If you suspect any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor for prompt care.