
Monsoon Health Problems

Why do people fall ill more often during monsoon? After a long stretch of simmering heat of the summer, Rahul and his friends found relief in the fresh and cool breath of air ushered by the monsoons. Rahul was playing all day...


Dengue on the prowl

Severe dengue leads to serious illness and death among children, teens and adults Three members of Mathur's family fell sick within a gap of few days. When rushed to the clinic of the neighborhood, all the three were declared as...


Second Opinion is your right

Feel empowered and prepared to make informed decisions regarding treatment or diagnosis If doctors and healthcare systems aim to provide the best treatments based on high quality diagnosis, the patients are greatly concerned...


Is a vegan diet the ideal human diet?

Vegan diet assures a happy and healthy life as it includes foods that are rich in nutrients and high in satiating fiber A well-planned vegan diet not only meets in total your nutritional needs, but also helps to reduce the risk...