
Know Cancer to say No Cancer

Being well-informed about the whys and wherefores of cancer & staying attuned to your body can help you in preventing cancer. Early diagnosis generally increases the chances of successful treatment by focusing on detecting symptoms as early as possible


Understanding Breast Cancer

Women tend to neglect their health while caring for their family and are losing the battle of life to cancer every year. The biggest challenge is that many are diagnosed late and reach a point where they become either untreatable or are harder to treat


Can your diet save you from cancer?

The oncologist cautions about risks associated with being obese. “Obesity increases the risk of getting 13 types of cancer, including that of the esophagus, colon, pancreas, and kidney, as well as breast cancer after menopause


HR-HPV Screening for Cervical Cancer

Sexually transmitted HPV infection is thought to cause the majority of cervical cancers. In more than 90% of cervical carcinomas in situ, squamous carcinomas, and adenocarcinoma, HPV DNA is isolated. Primary prevention for cervical cancer with the HPV vaccine is strongly recommended.