Bones & Joints

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that silently progresses with ageing

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs more in women and lesser in men who are over 50 years of…

8 years ago

High Flexion Knee Replacement for more flexibility

Patients suffering from osteoarthritis will find relief in the latest high flexion knee replacement, which allows for active lifestyle and…

9 years ago

Tennis Elbow – Prompt diagnosis can have a huge impact on the prognosis

Tennis elbow, also referred to as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition wherein pain occurs while overusing the muscles in your…

9 years ago

Compartment Syndrome can be acute (severe injury) or chronic (athletic exertion).

Compartment Syndrome is a condition wherein pressure builds up inside the human body in any of its enclosed spaces. This…

9 years ago