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10 Most Common Symptoms of Gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of stomach lining most widely caused by the bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. This is a kind of weakness in the stomach lining that allows digestive juices to damage and inflame. Having a thin or damaged stomach lining raises the risk for gastritis. Gastritis is one of the perilous problems that can create a significant impact in an individuals daily life. Since the stomach lining gets thin with age, people above 60 years are more likely get affected with the infection.

Gastritis can be acute (occurs for a short period of time) or chronic (long-lasting) depending upon the causes and its intensity. Here are the 10 most common symptoms of Gastritis that should not be neglected.

1. Frequent Stomach upset

It’s a sensation of uneasiness and discomfort in the upper stomach caused by indigestion. There are plenty of reasons for stomach upset but it’s not a good sign when you are facing it on a regular basis. Perhaps, you may be at the verge of Gastritis.

2. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain is the distress caused in the region below the ribs and above the pelvis. Abdomen includes intestines, appendix, stomach, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and pancreas. Pain might possibly result into serious illness in the long-run.

 3. Vomiting

Vomiting blood is a serious symptom of Gastritis and you should see your doctor immediately. Depending upon the severity, it may be blood-streaked or fully bloody. It is usually caused because of the erosion of stomach lining as the result of inflammation.

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  4. Diarrhea

Loose or watery stools about 4-5 times a day is not normal. Look for bloody and extremely foul- smelling, black tarry bowel movements. If ignored, Diarrhea makes us feel really sick. During this phase, H.Pylori bacteria will obstruct stomach and intestinal tract’s regular functions.

5. Belching

Belching is the other word of burping where stomach expels excess air from the mouth to reduce the tightness. If burping continues for long time after every meal and doesn’t releases the sensation of fullness in stomach, seek out medical help immediately.

6. Bloating

Bloating is the feeling of swelling in the abdomen region. It is often accompanied by severe pain caused by the air and gas filled in the digestive tract. Prolonged bloating can interfere and disrupts the digestive system.

7. Early Satiety

Early Satiety is the lack of ability to eat a complete normal-sized meal. During this phase, we eat very less than usual and feel full very soon. This may also result into weakness as we are not providing the body with sufficient calories.

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8. Loss Appetite

Medically called as Anorexia, loss of appetite can cause sudden weight loss and malnutrition. Generally there will be a vomiting sensation after eating. It will interrupt the food processing cycle and can cause muscle atrophy.

9. Feeling Faint

People faint when they don’t get enough oxygen to the brain. We lose consciousness for a short period, feel dizzy and weak. In Gastritis, feeling faint is accompanied with nausea, burning in stomach and tiredness.

10.Rapid Heartbeat

Increased stomach inflammation and hovering anxiety can increase the blood pressure. Heart rate of more than 100 BPM is considered to be rapid among the adults. Shortness of breath, palpitations and chest pain are the other signs to watch out for.

Though in the initial stages, the symptoms of gastritis and problems seem to be very trivial but it may lead to severe health issues. If left untreated, Gastritis may result into ulcers, stomach bleeding or stomach cancer. During this age of advance technology and high-end medical facilities we should not take any chances. Gastritis is 100% curable, all you need to do is undergo proper diagnostics and follow the prescribed medication.
In the recent times, it is reported that Gastritis is growing at an exponential rate especially in Indian sub-continent. Reducing alcohol consumption, avoiding spicy foods and being aware of symptoms are few factors that can help prevent Gastritis.
Recurrently if you notice any such symptoms of gastritis and not so sure what’s wrong, it’s time to see your Gastroenterologist.

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Read more about Gastritis symptoms, causes and treatment


If you find any of the above mentioned Symptoms of Gastritis then
Book an Appointment with the best gastroenterologist in hyderabad