Compartment Syndrome can be acute (severe injury) or chronic (athletic exertion).

9 years ago

Compartment Syndrome is a condition wherein pressure builds up inside the human body in any of its enclosed spaces. This…

Esophageal spasm – Appears occasional, may turn as chronic pain

9 years ago

Esophageal spasm is the disorder when one faces abnormal contractions of the muscles. Muscles in the esophagus (the tube which…

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may lead to Barrett’s esophagus

9 years ago

Barrettªs esophagus is a medical condition in which the tissue lining of the esophagus is replaced by the tissue similar…

Ameloblastoma – A rare disorder of the jaw involving abnormal tissue growth

9 years ago

Ameloblastoma is an unusual disorder of the jaw involving the abnormal growth of a tissue. Mostly, the tumors get surfaced…

A thick, waxy plaque can limit, or completely obstruct, blood flow to the brain

9 years ago

What is Cerebrovascular Disease? The term ÷ cerebrovascular's consists of two parts cerebro is a large part of the brain…

Congenital Heart Diseases in Adults

9 years ago

Adult congenital heart disease (CHD) includes a population of two types of patients. One with disease diagnosed during childhood and…