Bone Cancer Usually affects the long bones that make up arms and legs

9 years ago

Bone cancer is very uncommon, and usually affects the long bones of the body. There are different types of bone…

Yashoda Hospitals Child Health Check-up

9 years ago

A child is any individual who is between birth and puberty. Legally, a child is considered as a minor, those…

Endocrinal dysfunctions. Thyroid Cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

9 years ago

Endocrinal disorders or dysfunctions include Endocrine gland hormone deficiency, excess and tumors. Endocrine disorders are complex, and demand high level…

Step-by-step process to handle Spinal Trauma

9 years ago

The spine provides support to the back of the neck (cervical), chest (thoracic), abdomen (lumbar) and lowers abdomen (sacral) regions…

Smoking and Sepsis are Leading Causes of COPD

9 years ago

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonology Disease (COPD) is marked by difficulty in breathing, and almost similar symptoms as asthma, emphysema and chronic…

Acute and Chronic Respiratory Failure

9 years ago

When the blood is sent to different organs of the body with not enough or less oxygen, the condition is…

Lower back pain or lumbago – A common disorder involving the muscles and bones of the back

9 years ago

Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad's Low Backache Check-up Low back pain (LBP) or ache is a disorder of the muscles and lower…

Liver Cirrhosis- Early detection may help patients

9 years ago

Cirrhosis is the advanced stage of liver disease (scarring & fibrosis). Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver where the soft…