Life before, during and after heart transplant

8 years ago

A heart transplant is a surgical procedure where the diseased heart is replaced by a healthy heart taken from the…

ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

8 years ago

A motor neuron disease, also called as Lou Gehrig's disease, which is named after the famous baseball player. ALS or…

All you need to know about Liver Transplantation

8 years ago

Liver transplantation is a surgical procedure to replace diseased liver with a whole or partial healthy liver. Healthy liver can…

Are all tumors of kidney cancerous?

8 years ago

Kidney cancer originates in the kidneys. Kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products from the body. Kidneys also help…

How can one survive liver cancer ?

8 years ago

Liver cancer begins in the cells of the liver. The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. When…

Leukemia or Blood Cancer Early detection and the right treatment can save lives

8 years ago

Leukemia is commonly called as blood cancer. It is actually the cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone…

Drop in Platelets count is a cause of concern

8 years ago

Proper diagnosis is the only safeguard for a healthy life. There is increasing incidence of dengue, malaria and viral fevers…

Cervical Cancer, a Leading Cause of Cancer Mortality Among Women

8 years ago

Cervix is located between the vagina and uterus. Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of the cervix. The human papillomavirus…

Pancreatitis: Severe or chronic cases are life-threatening

8 years ago

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreas is a flat and long gland situated behind the stomach. It produces…

Brain Tumour Severe headache, blurred vision and loss of sensation may be a sign of brain tumour

8 years ago

Brain tumour occurs due to the growth of abnormal cells in the brain. Brain tumours may be benign (noncancerous), and…