Cyst Excision

Cyst excision is a minimally invasive surgical procedure requiring a small incision at or near the affected site and draining the cyst through the incision. This treatment method is selected when the cyst becomes infected, causes pain, and disrupts normal day-to-day activities. The doctor may go for wide excision or minimal excision depending on the cyst’s size, location, and severity.

How is Cyst Excision performed: Before, During and After.

Before surgery

The doctor will conduct a physical examination and take the patient’s medical history to understand his overall health better. The doctor may order an ultrasound, CT, or MRI scan to get a detailed image of the cyst for further examination. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will explain the benefits and risks of the procedure. The patient is advised to wash the affected area and not to shave the affected area the day before the surgery. The patient is required to stop taking medications if any after consulting the doctor. 

During surgery

The doctor administers local anaesthesia on the affected area and cleans it before surgery. A small incision is made on the area. Depending on the type and size of the cyst, the doctor drains it and removes the cyst wall. Once the procedure is completed, the doctor closes the surgery site with an antibiotic and gauze.

After surgery

Thedoctor will give a set of instructions that must be followed to avoid infection and proper care of the wound. Eating light food, changing bandages according to instructions, and staying away from strenuous physical activities for a few days will help in proper recovery.

Cost of the Cyst Excision

Description Cost

 Cost of surgery in Hyderabad

  Rs. 2500 to Rs. 95,000

Cost of surgery in India

  Rs 3500 to 1,32,000


Description Cost

Number of days in the hospital

 0 – 1 Day

Type of surgery


Anaesthesia type

 General or Local


 1 to 2 weeks

Duration of the procedure

 20 – 45 minutes


 Minimal invasive

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    Risks and complications of the Cyst Excision

    The patient may experience complications such as bleeding, swelling, pain, scarring, infection, or blood clot. Consult a doctor if any complications worsen.

    Who needs a Cyst Excision?

    If the cyst has become more prominent, painful, swollen, itchy, is ruptured or leaking, or an abscess has formed,consult a doctor immediately. Depending on the size, location, and severity of the cyst, the doctor may recommend cyst excision.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Cyst Excision

    Yes. It is regarded as a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is carried out using local anaesthesia between 20 and 45 minutes.

    It usually takes 10 to 14 days to recover from the procedure. During this time, the patient is advised to refrain from doing any strenuous physical activity. He must change the  dressings at home according to the doctor’s instructions.The patient is advised to eat healthy food and rest as much as possible.

    The patient may be put to sleep depending on the size and location of the cyst. General anaesthesia relaxes the muscles and puts the patient to sleep. The patient will not feel any pain during the surgery. After surgery, he might feel slight pain at the surgical site. The doctor may prescribe pain medication to keep the pain under control.

    In most cases, cysts are not cancerous. In some cases, cysts may be malignant and confirmed by performing a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

    It usually takes 10 to 14 days to recover from the procedure. During this time, the patient is advised to refrain from doing any strenuous physical activity.

    The patient can go home the same day after the surgery is completed and the anaesthesia has worn off. In some cases, the doctor may keep the patient under observation for 24 hours to ensure he does not experience any complications before letting you go.

    Wash the affected area and do not shave the affected area the day before the surgery. Stop taking medications after consulting the doctor. Rest appropriately before the day of the surgery.

    These are a few symptoms of a cyst include a small red bump, swollen, tender, pain, liquid leaking, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fever. 

    Have doubts regarding cysts removal? Contact us to get a free medical opinion.