Cefaclor: Frequently Asked Questions Answered
What is Cefaclor?
Cefaclor is a cephalosporin-type antibiotic designed to treat various types of bacterial infections. These infections can occur in the ear, skin, urine, lung, throat, and respiratory tract.
This medication is specifically designed to treat only bacterial infections, not viral infections such as flu and the common cold. Overuse of Cefaclor can reduce the infected area’s effectiveness and cause various side effects.
What are the Uses of Cefaclor?
Cefaclor is a part of a class of medications called cephalosporin antibiotics. These antibiotics hamper the growth of the layer that surrounds the bacterial cell wall and stop the spread of infection. It is used against the area infected by either gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria.
These antibiotics are used to treat meningitis, peritonitis, urinary tract infections, septicemia, pneumonia, and biliary tract infections.